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Question about improving my chances

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I hope you guys are doing fine. I am bit frustrated right now and wanted your opinion and/or help. Currently, I am taking five classes, but I am only able to get 84% in most of my classes (I had three midterms handed back, and ALL of them had 84% average :eek: and I am waiting for marks from other two), and I fear my average is too low. I have applied this year, and my average from other full course load year is ~82 something. I fear that combining this year average will get me at most 84%, and I might get an interview but this average will not be enough to get me in...


So my question is what can be done to increase this year average? This might sound like an awkward question..But really how did some of you were able to get 90s? I feel bad that if I am having trouble getting 90's in university, then how will I manage medicine, should I get in?

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That is certainly enough to get an interview. You can definitely get in assuming you score in the top decile for the MMI. Plus, it doesn't hurt to try now does it? I'd say most people in university would be quite pleased with an 84 average!! 90s are not required to get into medicine (in province anyways).

Averages in university is not correlated with how well you do in medical school. If you can get 80s in university you will do well. As far as increasing your average for this term, my best advice is to study.

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Thank you for your the encouragement. I had seen the statistics in the website of College of Medicine, but I wanted to make sure just in case. I am in-province student, and currently taking PHYS 115, SOC 111, SOC 112, ECON 223, and ECON 221 at Usask.



Sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Honestly, your courses dont seem very hard and im sure you have the potential to do better. Hopefully you have also checked with CoM regarding the first year courses you are taking. If 84 is where it is at, then i highly suggest you try to keep all courses 85+ to have a decent GPA which will help with schools like UWO.


If you are concerned about your ability to cope in med school later on, then take the MCAT. Unless you get a lot less than the ~25 mean then you are capable!


P.S You are an econ major turned biochem major taking econ courses?

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I hope you guys are doing fine. I am bit frustrated right now and wanted your opinion and/or help. Currently, I am taking five classes, but I am only able to get 84% in most of my classes (I had three midterms handed back, and ALL of them had 84% average :eek: and I am waiting for marks from other two), and I fear my average is too low. I have applied this year, and my average from other full course load year is ~82 something. I fear that combining this year average will get me at most 84%, and I might get an interview but this average will not be enough to get me in...


So my question is what can be done to increase this year average? This might sound like an awkward question..But really how did some of you were able to get 90s? I feel bad that if I am having trouble getting 90's in university, then how will I manage medicine, should I get in?


In medicine, it is only pass/fail. What year are you in University? seems like your taking many junior level courses. Did you ask the CoM about that?

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I was a doing honour degree in Biochemistry program, but I switched and instead graduated with year BSc degree in Biochemistry. I did one semester as a part-time student taking Economics courses. Currently, I am doing a second degree in Economics/Sociology.


I have already MCAT in 2010, and never took Physics in university until this year, and my scores were acceptable/reasonable, except an 8 in Physical Sciences.


Yes, I had asked admission Office for preapproval of additional full years of university, and since I have many more upper level courses than juniors, I did not have issue that would prevent me from taking any more junior level courses; I could take more junior-level courses if I want to. I have a lot of upper level courses (I currently have 87 upper level credits), and I even took courses with prerequisite waiver! [bad mistakes]


I situation might looks complicated because I was never sure of my future.


Hope it maker sense. Thank you for your help!


P.S. I find junior courses to be harder than upper-level courses, and my average tends to be higher in upper-level courses.

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