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Question about minimum credits.

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"By May 2012, applicants must have completed a minimum of three years of undergraduate degree level work (30 half year credits or 15 full year credits or a combination). There is no requirement that applicants carry a full course load. Applicants who do not have 30 credits complete at the time of application must submit their final undergraduate transcript with course codes and grades to McMaster by June 30, 2012 as evidence that this requirement has been met"


I just had a question about this paragraph. Does this mean that if you had 29 classes and you found out you were accepted in may that you could take a spring class and complete it before the 30th?


University of Ottawa has 6 week classes that at 6 hours per week, and examinations are June 14,15,16 (example from 2011).


Is this a possibility or no? Considering dropping a class, but I really don't want to discover that I got in and have screwed myself over. On the other hand, I would be in a much better position for next year if I didn't drop the course.

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The main issue is that grades have to be official and I'm not sure if they could make a special exception for a situation like this.. I am guessing that if they make grades official they have to do it for all students at the same time. And they usually take a month, not two weeks, so that would be past the June 30th deadline.

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My experience with Athabasca


You have to request an exam 20 days prior to writing, so essentially you can request the final on day one and finish the course in 20 days. It has taken my finals two weeks to get marked after that, so about 5 weeks total.


Would Mac take an unofficial confirmation (note from prof, print-off of grades page) as proof until an official transcript can be obtained?

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