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Quick question regarding tuition, probably could be best answered by a current U of C Med student. It says in the application manual that tuition ~15000, but is this per semester or per year? Since U of C continues through the summer, is there any extra "summer fees"? What did you pay for books (was the ~500 estimate accurate?)?

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I'm a first year student...


Tuition is $15,400 per year, split into two payments - $7700 for fall semester due in September and $7700 for winter semester, due in January. There are no extra summer fees :)


Books are optional. There are no required texts, and sometimes no specific recommended texts, depending on the course. I personally don't learn well from texts, so I have only bought a few. I've spent maybe $120 on textbooks.


I supplement class material with readings on UpToDate.com, and I have Toronto Notes on my computer (which I have opened maybe 3 times - but some of my classmates use it all the time). I've been really happy with the teaching and with my exam results so far, so a lot of texts really aren't a necessity, at least for the stuff we've studied up to this point!

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I've probably spent like $300+ on books, but I really like books. You should see my parents' basement, which is full of my books. I buy random math textbooks for fun. I have a problem. But you could probably get by without actually buying any books, if you were so inclined. There are so many resources online, and they podcast almost every lecture, and a lot of people just study from the podcasts.

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