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welcome to the USSA


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There isn't a fine line between facism and a free country. The transition happens gradually - the change is imperceptible. If this trend doesn't reverse, then the US federal government will eventually become a totalitarian democracy, like Russia is right now.


Let this be a lesson to everyone. Don't let government take away your freedoms, not matter how small. Benjamin Franklin understood this advice. He said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Unfortunately, most other people do not. Most people are too concerned with the short-term gain in security associated with a loss of freedom, to consider the big picture. This is why tyrannical regimes have recurred in history. And trust me, this isn't the first time in history that the majority of people in a free society have been aware that tyrannical governments have existed.


So for example when the government tries to tell you that you can't from talk on your cell phone and drive... stand up for freedom god dammit.

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