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So sad...

Guest Justaguy

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Guest Justaguy

My second time applying and I still didn't get in. I was waitlisted at Western and Queens, and although I'd like to keep hope I don't want to be dissapointed over and over again throughout the summer, as happened to me last year when I was waitlisted at just Western.


Anyways, does anybody know how large the waiting lists are at Western or Queens?


I heard that the Western waitlist moved OK last year, what about Queens?


I don't know if I'll be able to stop thinking about this at all this summer... I'm stuck in waiting list purgatory.

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Guest medwant2b

Hi Justaguy


"Waiting list purgatory" - I like the term you came up for it.

Being on the wait list at this point means you still have hope and there is a some chance you'll get in. Also, consider there are many that got the straight reject; I got one today. If I take your analogy and extend it... I'm halfway to hell. :evil :eek :( I still have to hear from another place... but I don't have a good feeling about it.

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Guest Liana

Although it's not an outright offer, getting placed on two waiting lists is still a good encouragement that if you don't succeed in getting into medicine this year, you almost certainly will in future years.


Both Queen's and UWO go through a large number of people on their waiting lists before filling their classes. From my understanding, Western places everyone (?) on the waiting list and may or may not be able to give you an idea of where you stand on that list, so it would be hard to predict for this school. The general pattern in previous years at Queen's seems to have been that if you made the waiting list, you had a very good shot of getting in (from last year's posts, it would seem that they exhausted the entire list); however, apparently this waiting list has been doubled in size this year, while the class size increased only by 10% (plus, last year, there were an extra 10 seats that were delegated in the summer), so your odds probably aren't as great.


Overall, you probably have a good shot of getting into one of these two schools, but I would still keep my Plan B in mind until a definite word came out.


Good luck!

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