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does what school you're applying from matter?

Guest keign

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Guest UWOMED2005

There are a number of other threads addressing this question. I'm not sure calling Guelph or Brock a "reputably a not-so-good school" is accurate. . . this has been discussed to death in a couple of other threads BTW.

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Guest shkelo

Don't knock the man for having a valid question. I spent a year a Red Deer College (in Alberta), only to realize that my highest grades (4.0s) transferred as 8.6s to the U of A. This senario was likely due to converting my marks to U of A's 9-point scale (which, BTW, is now changing over to a 4-point scale in 2003). Still, I was at a disadvantage to apply to med school where a perfect GPA from Red Deer College is only equivalent to an 8.6/9.0 at U of A. Not really fair, is it? This isn't true for some med schools, but if you've applied before, you'd realize that every school converts your grades differently. Rarely is it in your favor it seems.

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Guest UWOMED2005

Good point. Apologies if my previous response wasn't worded as well as it should have been. Anyways, this subject HAS been discussed in a number of threads, but I probably should have provided links. Here are some:










There's also other threads on this here, and the subject has been brought up in other threads as well.

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Guest aneliz

Well, I don't know how Guelph has ended up on the 'reputably not so good school list' again... This has been discussed to death and I won't get into it again. I have only one thing to say:


I am a Guelph student. I have only applied to two med schools ever in my life. I was accepted to both UofT and UWO on my first application (no waiting lists). I will be at Western in the fall. I am not the only Guelph student to be in a similar boat this year. Make your own conclusions but just because a school doesn't have its own med school doesn't automatically put it into the 'less than reputable school category'. Just my 2 cents. Check out the school yourself and make your own decisions - don't rely on rumors or the opinions of a few disgruntled students that went there.


(Sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I am getting sick of seeing Guelph beaten up by people that have probably never seen the place nor experienced what it has to offer. There is a lot more here than cows! :) )

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Guest kevinlondon

Hi Aneliz


I guess I'll see you here in the fall. I'll be your anatomy demonstrator with the dirty lab coat and the geeky AAA buttons.


It's been my experience that people tend to identify "lesser" schools as those which don't house a medical school. I did my undergrad at Brock, and comparing the competence of undergrads finishing at Brock with those we see coming through the labs here, I'd say that the opportunity to do more activities in a lab (i.e. in a smaller school) really shines through.

Although I think it's a terribly valid (and possibly unjust) argument vis-a-vis GPA conversion scales.


anyway, have a good summer all!



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