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Anyone writing Feb DAT?

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I wrote the DAT last Nov and leaving I thought I did really poorly so I signed up for Feb right when I got home. So I plan on writing it just for the hell of it because I'm signed up and paid for already. I haven't started studying yet but, I do have an entire week off right before it so I plan on going hard then. Probably just look over my old bio notes starting a week or two from now. I still remember a lot of the chemistry so I'll probably be ok there with just a refresher a week prior. For the PAT and Carving I plan on practicing once in each every 3 days or so starting in a week so hopefully finish 10 practice tests and 10 carvings.

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Do you think it will be easier to get a high score if you write in February?
I want to say yes if you're re-writing it but, I really have no idea heh. I have a feeling the carving will be a bit more complicated because the Nov one was pretty much as simple as possible out of all the possible shapes asked.
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