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In Desperate Need of Help With Interview

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I've applied to UT and UWO for the past three years and I always got the interview but was turned down. My marks are decent (~90%) and my DAT was ok at 22. The person that I've spoken to said it was **probably (because interview info is confidential) the interview that negatively affected my application. I tried and tried to improve my interview skill, but I always blank out when they ask CDA questions that throw me off.


So I'm asking for your help. Please.... tell me how you prepared for it!!!

I am thinking of preparing for it well in advance so that I won't have any excuses later on.


You PM me, email me, or post on this thread.

I would really appreciate your help!



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if you blank out theres nothing you can do, it comes down to thinking on the spot. but you also need life experience, volunteer at places-get a job if u dontalready have one.


talk to a dental student. if youre at UWO or U of T see if you can find a tutor and pay them 40 bucks for an hour to help you answer the questions properly

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if you blank out theres nothing you can do, it comes down to thinking on the spot. but you also need life experience, volunteer at places-get a job if u dontalready have one.


talk to a dental student. if youre at UWO or U of T see if you can find a tutor and pay them 40 bucks for an hour to help you answer the questions properly


This is true to have life experience..

The more you are in the community the more you face different situations, get stressed and have to think on the spot

Noone is born to be a perfect public speaker, it is our experiences that help us become who we are today...

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if you blank out theres nothing you can do, it comes down to thinking on the spot. but you also need life experience, volunteer at places-get a job if u dontalready have one.


talk to a dental student. if youre at UWO or U of T see if you can find a tutor and pay them 40 bucks for an hour to help you answer the questions properly


I can't agree more!!

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While it is important to ensure you have lots of life experiences to draw from, right now the key for this round of interviews would be to make the most of what you have to draw from currently. In order to do that I would say you need a structure to learn exactly what they are looking for in the answers so that you feel confident in how to approach any question. (I agree with previous post - doesn't matter if they don't like you - matters how you structure your answer and that you include the things they are looking for). Good resources to help you do that would be either http://www.dentalintervieiwplus.uphero.com, or topstar. Take the strructures and start working on it right away. Once you think you have it nailed get some professional feedback from either your on campus interview guidance people, or specific consultants if you can afford them (eg. astroff consultants is one of probably many out there). With your marks and dat you should be at least able to make it to a wait list if you pour yourself into interview prep early and take the time.

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