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Hey everyone,


I have a situation and would like to know if anyone has any advice. As most people on this forum my goal is to get into medicine. I would like to become an obstetrician.


I have my BSc major in Microbiology. I am currently working in the government with about 2 1/2 years of laboratory research/working experience. I am in the process of rewriting the MCAT. My GPA is 3.45 on a 4.5 scale which is terrible but applying IP in Mantioba my AGPA will be around 3.80


I have volunteered at the hospital (looking into it again). I dance, take musical theatre, volunteer at a shelter for pregnant youth and mentor 3 refugee children. (There was more volunteer work in between)


At my job I find it unfufilling and unsecure, working on a term to term basis. To pursue a career in health care I have applied to the Physician Assistant Program; Masters at U of M and Bachelors at McMaster (haven't heard anything of yet), Will be applying to UCN Bachelors of Midwifery as well. I was also approached from one of my past supervisors if I would be willing to do a Masters in Medical Microbiology. What should I do?


My primary choice are the Physician Assistant Programs. Looking at the forums for doing a second undergrad verses Masters If I don't get accepted to either PA programs I am geared towards taking Midwifery (a backup that I hopefully will enjoy) because it is in the field I intend to go into in medicine. It will also give me the opportunity to increase my GPA. The thought of doing lab work all my life is not all appealing. I guess I kind of answered my own questions then :)


Any thoughts?

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No point going into Microbio-masters program just because someone else would like you to or you may potentially end up in another unfulfilling line of work like your current situation. The PA program and midwifery programs have several characteristics that you would enjoy from being an Obs-MD and likely be much more fulfilling to you if that were what you had to do for the rest of your life.


While you work as a PA or mid-wife you can cotinue to pursue your ultimate career aspirations of an MD. Sounds like a plan more aligned with you ... based on me not really knowing :D



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  • 4 months later...

Hey everyone!


Just needed a thought release and some comments would be appreciated. I was accepted to the PA program in Manitoba :D - which I am super super excited about!!! But looking at the threads for accepted med applicants I can't help but feel jealous. After researching and going through the application process for PA I know that my personality and lifestyle is a better fit. I also love the idea of being part of the PA movement in Canada. I know this is an ego thing, just being able to say that you have been accepted to med school. *Sigh. Is there a way to be able to "let it go". Maybe once I start school in September I will start to truely appreciate and be proud of myself.


whew now that feels better - I keep googling PA vs Med :P

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Hey everyone!


Just needed a thought release and some comments would be appreciated. I was accepted to the PA program in Manitoba :D - which I am super super excited about!!! But looking at the threads for accepted med applicants I can't help but feel jealous. After researching and going through the application process for PA I know that my personality and lifestyle is a better fit. I also love the idea of being part of the PA movement in Canada. I know this is an ego thing, just being able to say that you have been accepted to med school. *Sigh. Is there a way to be able to "let it go". Maybe once I start school in September I will start to truely appreciate and be proud of myself.


whew now that feels better - I keep googling PA vs Med :P


I am happy that you chose to pursue a PA degree instead of being miserable doing a MSc in Microbiology. You will have an awesome career as a PA and if you rock your marks you will have an opportunity to be a very strong med school applicant if you feel 'you cant let it go'. There was an applicant who completed the PA program with a 3.91 average and got into NOSM (check out the NOSM 2012 accepted/rejected/waitlisted thread). I couldnt let it go after working as an RD for 6 years and finally got accepted myself. I feel that you will have a very nice scope of practice that you will enjoy. As you probably have read being a PA is like working as a medical resident PGY2 perpetually which is pretty sweet scope of practice with nice back up (MDs) also with an excellent pay.


Good luck and congrats!



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Hi Real Beef


Thanks for the response. It's nice to know that there are others out there that "can't let go" although I will try :P. CONGRATS by the way! I went to that thread and saw you were accepted.


I messaged that applicant you mentioned. It would be nice to hear from their prespective. I guess we will see what happens next :D have fun in med next year!


I am happy that you chose to pursue a PA degree instead of being miserable doing a MSc in Microbiology. You will have an awesome career as a PA and if you rock your marks you will have an opportunity to be a very strong med school applicant if you feel 'you cant let it go'. There was an applicant who completed the PA program with a 3.91 average and got into NOSM (check out the NOSM 2012 accepted/rejected/waitlisted thread). I couldnt let it go after working as an RD for 6 years and finally got accepted myself. I feel that you will have a very nice scope of practice that you will enjoy. As you probably have read being a PA is like working as a medical resident PGY2 perpetually which is pretty sweet scope of practice with nice back up (MDs) also with an excellent pay.


Good luck and congrats!



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