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Meeting with professor to discuss research


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So one of my profs recommended me to another prof for research (I asked her originally, but she wasn't available this summer), and after a few emails, we arranged to meet and discuss research projects. I'm a 2nd year - how much should I go into the meeting prepared for, in terms of research into...well, research? I've looked over his website enough to know what I'm interested in, but how much further should I go? Thanks guys.

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So one of my profs recommended me to another prof for research (I asked her originally, but she wasn't available this summer), and after a few emails, we arranged to meet and discuss research projects. I'm a 2nd year - how much should I go into the meeting prepared for, in terms of research into...well, research? I've looked over his website enough to know what I'm interested in, but how much further should I go? Thanks guys.


I wouldn't worry about it. Profs don't really ask what you know about their research... they just tell you your research project. This is just my experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting the meeting is the hard part. Once you have that meeting you are set. You will probably be introduced to the grad student who you will be helping out (from my past experience, you're always under a grad student) and they will tell you about the project and what not.


My advice: Just know the main things about their lab. What they do, what field the research is in, and just go with the flow.


Good luck! Research is really fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I completely agree with everyone above. I had 4 interviews for a summer position this year, and they were all involving the prof just talking the entire time, with an odd question for me here and there. But definitely know a little bit about their research, maybe even read the abstract of their last paper or something? Otherwise, just be confident and ask questions!

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