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Question about french med schools

Guest z

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I don't know very much about the 3 (?) french med schools. I am from BC and have been in Programme Cadre since Pre-school to Grade 4 and Early French Immersion from Grade 5 to Grade 12 (I had to switch because I moved to another city). I would consider myself fluent in french-enough to hold a conversation etc... First question: Am I eligible? Do I need francophone parents? My mother speaks fluent french since she went through french schools as well. Second question: What kind of stats do you need? Same as all other schools?


Sorry for all the questions, could anyone suggest any good websites or literature regarding french med schools.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi z!


From what I know, the french schools in Quebec are very difficult to get into if you did not go to CEGEP in Quebec. Each of these schools requires that you have a functional knowledge of french (which they can assess at the interview) but to get an interview, the admissions committees rely exclusively on marks. A very complicated formula (Cote de rendement collégial, or CRC) is used to determine how strong each applicant was compared to their classmates. I am not sure if they use this formula for out-of-provine residents, but this information is probably on their webpages. If you want more information, here are the URLs for the schools:


Université de Sherbrooke:



Université de Montréal:



Université Laval:



I hope that this helps!



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