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Being yourself in the MMI


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"What mistakes do applicants make in acting stations? Some broke down crying or responded angrily when they got frustrated. But according to Rosenfeld, one of the most serious errors an applicant can do is to look at the interviewer instead of exclusively dealing with the actor."


Oh god. If I ever get lucky enough to get invited to an MMI that might be my biggest problem - especially if the actor starts to cry! I have a horrible horrible horrible reflex of sometimes laughing when people cry :( :S


I know that sounds horrible but I think its my secret way of coping? lol I have been working on it and have it under control now b=about 95% of the time. But oh god...imagine 'sara' starts to cry cause she is afraid to fly and I start laughing. OH GOD. Could you imagine? WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!!:confused:

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Yeh, I don't believe that part. I think you can always upgrade your interviewing skills, even a night before the interview :). But being yourself is the key.


I agree! :) I've prepped to last minute for some interviews and ended up acing them because of the practice! but of course be yourself at the end of the day :D

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Oh god. If I ever get lucky enough to get invited to an MMI that might be my biggest problem - especially if the actor starts to cry! I have a horrible horrible horrible reflex of sometimes laughing when people cry :( :S


I know that sounds horrible but I think its my secret way of coping? lol I have been working on it and have it under control now b=about 95% of the time. But oh god...imagine 'sara' starts to cry cause she is afraid to fly and I start laughing. OH GOD. Could you imagine? WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!!:confused:


:D I tried to imagine this, would be so funny, even if I would play the crying person's role


hope your interviewer would consider your reaction as a Mature Defense Mechanism, so you would prove you are emotionally healthy person,



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lol I know right?! :P hehee I hope the interviewer will be as understanding as light hearted as you guys! ;) loll


and omg I'm so glad that it shows my 'maturity' I was actually starting to worry a little ;P


but yah. I can see the scenario now: I walk in and this girl is crying hysterically. At first I would be all :( and sad then I would look at the interviewer and look back at the girl and realize this is all fake. Some girl is getting paid to cry hysterically to freak me out. Then I would probably smirk...then go pffffff...HAHAHAHAHAA!!! :P

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