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My Stats for UWO

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So my stats are:


3.95 GPA (~93%)

24 AA

22 PAT

21 RC

25 carving



so I think my reading is too low which is what UWO cares the most... so should I re-write my DAT just to make sure I get at least 22 RC?




better than my stats last year... you should be good for an interview

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Hey, they only use the RC as a cutoff when giving out interviews, and you are above the cutoff. When making decisions regarding admissions, they only use AA, and you are good there as well! So the 15% DAT is essentially your AA.


So my stats are:


3.95 GPA (~93%)

24 AA

22 PAT

21 RC

25 carving



so I think my reading is too low which is what UWO cares the most... so should I re-write my DAT just to make sure I get at least 22 RC?



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Hey, they only use the RC as a cutoff when giving out interviews, and you are above the cutoff. When making decisions regarding admissions, they only use AA, and you are good there as well! So the 15% DAT is essentially your AA.


oh so as long as we meet the cutoff for RC, they only care about AA score??

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