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Interview Invites/Regrets 2011/2012

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undergrad cGPA: 3.88

4th year undergrad

mcat (PS/VR/BS/WS) 12/10/10/R

EC's: 1 publication, hospital volunteering, lots intramural sports, Varsity athlete, multiple labs, and doctor shadowing.



I don't understand what's going on, I got an interview last year, and got wait listed.

I'm still hoping I'm going to get a second e-mail saying it was a mistake.

Or maybe i just have really bad reference letters?


So worried about my chances for other schools now.


Not a good day

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4th year undergraduate

Undergrad cGPA: 3.92

MCAT: 12/11/12Q

EC: Not outstanding - just hospital volunteering, research volunteering, nserc, honors thesis project, TAing, some other small volunteering stuff


Good luck to everyone who got an interview!

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2 most recent year GPA = 3.93

MCAT = 10/11/11/Q

ECs = 1 Summer of research, coached soccer team, physiotherapy assistant at long term car facility, community fundraisers, hospital volunteering, shadowing surgeon etc...


Really thought I had a decent shot at an interview...


Congrats to all of those invited!

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Rejected- no surprise


5th year of a microbiology (co-op) degree

Average ECs by UBC standards

-Last 2 ~ 3.77 (3.95 and 3.58) Unfortunately co-op messed around with my standard years a bit so the two years they counted are not actually my last two. 3.58 was several years ago.

-MCAT 12/11/12/Q (11 was VR)

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undergrad cGPA: 3.88

4th year undergrad

mcat (PS/VR/BS/WS) 12/10/10/R

EC's: 1 publication, hospital volunteering, lots intramural sports, Varsity athlete, multiple labs, and doctor shadowing.



I don't understand what's going on, I got an interview last year, and got wait listed.

I'm still hoping I'm going to get a second e-mail saying it was a mistake.

Or maybe i just have really bad reference letters?


So worried about my chances for other schools now.


Not a good day

I'm in you boat.



Most recent 2-yr GPA: 3.78

Mcat: 11VR, 11B, 9P, R

EC's: lots, varied, long-term and above average, little research, little awards

References: thought they were strong.


I don't see what they want. Congrats to all that got the interviews.

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OMSAS : cGPA 3.82 (best two years not applicable)

MCAT : 11/10/11 Q (supposedly meets all cut offs this year)

4th year of undergrad but skipped first year, so only had 2 yrs worth of GPA when applying

ECs: 4 research presentations (presentations/posters), 2 summers of research, 2 papers in writing (not yet accepted), two exec positions, hospital volunteering, videographer for campus clubs, videographer for a cultural organization, multiple awards (1 international), some lower key stuff


Pretty surprised given that I meet the apparent GPA and MCAT cut offs

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OMSAS cGPA: mid 3.8

Best 2 years: 3.90

MCAT: P13, V8, S, B13

ECs: Lots of volunteering local hospitals and overseas, 1 yr research (no pub), Leader of youth group, the usuals...

4th year applicant

Very strong references (I made sure of it!)


Applied blind, so no regrets since I expected rejection from Queens based on my VR score.


I thought that only VR killed me, but seeing that even pple with high GPAs and double digits in every section of the MCAT got rejected makes me wonder what exactly they are looking for...

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I was hoping for queens too.

cGPA was 3.83 and best last two years 3.95

MCAT best score was PS9/BS12/VR10/WSQ

for EC i have quite a bit of volunteering, 2 published papers, 3 years of summer research..... I was REALLY bummed out about this one cuz I thought it was one of my better chances. Congrats Mr.sloth for your U of T interview. I'm just wondering, any inputs on what my chances are with U of T? If you don't count summer courses, my cGPA goes up to 3.89. I'm a graduate student right now in my final year.

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3.99 GPA (two year)

10/11/12 Q MCAT

EC: Have some research articles, won a couple of top academic and community volunteer awards, 600+ hours volunteering at hospitals, founded two clubs, part of several others, two varsity sports team, other intramural sports clubs, volunteered with special needs children, volunteered at international centres etc. I thought most of my ECs were strong...but I guess not.

Very sad :( Queen's was my top choice.

Post 2nd degree

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Invite !!


cGPA: 3.84

2 yr GPA: 3.87

MCAT (11/11/13 R)

4th year UG

Average EC's (volunteer at a nursing home and other places in the community, research, honours, TAing, NSERC, travel, some academic awards)


Surprised and excited! I thought Queen's was a long shot for me!

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Well deserved congratulations to all those invited! I count myself in the good company of those receiving regrets today.


3.71cGPA/~3.8 best two years

MCAT: 9/11/10/S

I felt pretty confident about my EC's: a little of most things- some research, some long-term volunteering, some leadership

References: my academic reference was out of the country and her letter wasn't able to make it on time so I scrapped together a work-related reference -- might have done me in


Safe travels to Kingston, guys! Go get 'em!

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OMSAS cGPA: 3.75

4th year undergrad at a US school

MCAT: 14/14/15/R

ECs: Minimal research/volunteering, but D-I varsity athlete until this year and some other cool stuff going for me.


Hats off to this guy. I don't want to hijack the stats thread but did you end up applying to US schools? And if so, how's the cycle going for you?

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cGPA: 3.83, (last 2 years: ? somewhat lower)

MCAT: 12/12/13 R

Graduated 3 years ago.

ECs: worked 2 yrs full time as programmer; ~400 hrs volunteering in hospital, tutoring, overseas, Vancouver Olympics; piano accompanying; NSERC; random editing work; executive in two clubs during university; one major scholarship and a few minor ones.


Timestamp: 8:20am PST


Really surprised and somewhat sad that I got invited while people with superior GPA or MCAT didn't.

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cGPA: 3.83, (last 2 years: ? somewhat lower)

MCAT: 12/12/13 R

Graduated 3 years ago.

ECs: worked 2 yrs full time as programmer; ~400 hrs volunteering in hospital, tutoring, overseas, Vancouver Olympics; piano accompanying; NSERC; random editing work; executive in two clubs during university; one major scholarship and a few minor ones.


Timestamp: 8:20am PST


Really surprised and somewhat sad that I got invited while people with superior GPA or MCAT didn't.


Congrats!! How can you be surprised if you are an Olympic athlete? lol..

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