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Interview Invites/Regrets 2011/2012

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Typical format please, if you're comfortable sharing, to make it easy for everyone :



GPA (last 2 years and cGPA)


Year of applicant and UG/Grad ?


Interview date

Email time stamp


Please post STATS only. All discussion/congrats go here or here - this is just to make it easier for everyone to follow the thread. Cheers

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Invited!! :D

Last 2: 3.93 OMSAS, ~3.1 overall

MCAT: 10/10/11/R

4th year BA. Psych w/ chem minor.

Lots of work experiences in addictions, physician shadowing, research, volunteering, student council, fitness stuff, peer mentoring (long term), scholarships, tutor....

Interview date: March 3.

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GPA last 2: ~3.4/cGPA 3.3- Grad student (Grad GPA 4.0- productive)

MCAT (PS/VR/BS/W) 11/11/10/R

Completed Grad Degree

Extensive EC's in research and community- almost 1000hrs at a crisis centre, board member, volunteer research consultant, youth soccer coach for 3 years, research group member, etc

Interview date- Gets picked on Monday, either the 3rd or 4th or 24th or 25th of March

Email time stamp: 8:20amPST (11:20EST) I'm from B.C.

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GPA (last 2 years 3.8 and cGPA 3.24 (bombed my first year)

MCAT (10/11/10/Q)

Year of applicant and UG/Grad? Clinical Psychology PhD in progress - 8 publications

ECs- Athletics, lots of clinical work, TAing, guest lectures

Interview date

Email time stamp - 11:30 - Jan 27

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Invite/Rejection: Invite!!!

GPA (last 2 years and cGPA): Last 2 years >3.9, cGPA=3.85

MCAT (PS/VR/BS/W): 12/10/13/Q

Year of applicant and UG/Grad ? Just submitted Masters thesis in December (so don't officially have my degree yet), UG 2010

ECs- phlebotomist, hospital volunteering, varsity soccer, camp counsellor & director for 4 years, intramural sports (not much research beyond my Masters)

Interview date- TBD

Email time stamp - 11:21 am

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cGPA: oh god, I don't even know...3.85ish maybe?

MCAT (PS/VR/BS/W): 10/12/11Q (yuss for no R cutoff)

Year of applicant and UG/Grad ?: in 4th year currently

ECs: a LOT...lots of research (including NSERC), tons of exec positions, various jobs


This is the first I've heard from anywhere, super excited! It will make getting rejected from McGill later today a lot more bearable :P

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GPA (Last two years 3.84 - cGPA 3.58)

MCAT (PS10/VR10/BS11/Q) 31Q

Year of applicant: Mature Applicant Post BSc. Post Masters

ECs - Lots in UG, Masters and Post Masters (student politics, Sports, counseling, a little clinical shadowing, etc), years of FT work experience in hospital.

Interview Date: TBD

Email time stamp: 11:20 AM

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Invite/Rejection: Invite

GPA (last 2 years and cGPA):last 2 years 3.82, cGPA ~3.61

MCAT (PS/VR/BS/W): 9/10/11/R

Year of applicant and UG/Grad ? Grad (course based), graduated Nov 2011

ECs: nothing special, nothing long term.

Interview date: TBD

Email time stamp:11:20


really so so so surprised! Was concerned about my 30R mcat score.

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Regrets :( :(

cGPA: 3.33, last 2 years: 3.63

MCAT (PS/VR/BS/W): 10/14/10/R (34R)

4th year UG

Excellent ECs IMO: hospital volunteering/co-ops, 3 years lab research, abstracts/poster presentations/publications, clubs, sport teams, frosh leader etc..

Email time stamp 11:36am

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GPA: Last 2: 3.92, Overall: 3.83

MCAT: PS: 10, VR: 12, BS: 11, WS: M

EC: Publication, lab experience, volunteer kids athletic camp coach, varsity track and field (individual medal at CIS university nationals)


Writing sample definitely killed me (applied before my MCAT score came in)...oh well, 2/3 so far and soon to be 2/4 after Western sends me their regrets!

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Rejected :(

GPA: 3.51

MCAT: 10PS/11VR/10BS/O

ECs: leadership, bunch of executive committees, nursing/retirement home volunteer, 2 years of working in a hospital research group

Grad student with decent publications (bunch of first author conference papers some peer reviewed, middle author on clinical journal papers)


It's the O...and the GPA :(

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