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Interview booking system

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What a feeding frenzy in there!!!


I tried booking a certain time, it said 'click on Save Timeslot' and stupid me kept clicking the bottom one, when it's really the top 'Save Timeslot' button that matters. :mad:


EDIT: I know I'm impatient, but when do we get the confirmation email? I've just print-screened for now...

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just got my confirmation too! That's funny, have you tried logging in again to select?


Logged out and in to be sure I finally did have one selected. It said 'my interview time' or whatever beside my original selection, clicked save again, then it said the timeslot was full!


The 24th is too popular for its own good!

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Is there any way you can un-register your timeslot (w/o choosing a different time)? Once the available spots are all taken...the system will get backed up and we'll have no way of choosing another time.


No idea - this is what I wonder myself. Then again, it could be like the CASPER dilemma - you unregister, someone takes your spot, then you're SOL!


They really should remove the two 'save' buttons. That totally wrecks my head.


EDIT: Maybe ask Jennifer Saunders about it?

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No idea - this is what I wonder myself. Then again, it could be like the CASPER dilemma - you unregister, someone takes your spot, then you're SOL!


They really should remove the two 'save' buttons. That totally wrecks my head.


EDIT: Maybe ask Jennifer Saunders about it?


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the system looks after this week with all the other schools sending out their invites.

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Is there any way you can un-register your timeslot (w/o choosing a different time)? Once the available spots are all taken...the system will get backed up and we'll have no way of choosing another time.


Just emailed her so I'll let you know what she said. :)

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