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McGill 2011-2012 Interview Discussion


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Other schools have a thread like this going so we can leave the other one to strictly just stats for easy searching.


I was wondering, is it possible to switch dates. Minerva tells me the 22nd, but I'm going down south for the week. Interviewing on the 20th is the best available so I could salvage my trip. Anyone know they are nice and do this? I emailed and asked...

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Other schools have a thread like this going so we can leave the other one to strictly just stats for easy searching.


I was wondering, is it possible to switch dates. Minerva tells me the 22nd, but I'm going down south for the week. Interviewing on the 20th is the best available so I could salvage my trip. Anyone know they are nice and do this? I emailed and asked...


this is really odd, I thought i read the interview dates would be 20th 21st, no wonder people booked stuff on the 22nd

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Did anyone else get the following email?


""Application to Faculty of Medicine, McGill University // Demande d'admission à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université McGill

Dear XXX,


This is an automated message to advise you of an update to the document checklist for your Fall 2012 Faculty of Medicine M D C M application...""


Is this supposed to be the interview invitation email that they said they'll send tonight?

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Hi everyone,

I have been given the opportunity to go to the interview conducted in French but I am really worried this will be disadvantageous in any way (if they prioritize anglophones for ex). I am more fluent in French than in English... so I really don't know what to do! help !


Do it in french, it won't penalize you in any way :) Quand j'ai fait mon entrevue nous étions les 3/4 à les faire en français, je ne pense vraiment pas qu'il favorise les anglophones.

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Hi everyone,

I have been given the opportunity to go to the interview conducted in French but I am really worried this will be disadvantageous in any way (if they prioritize anglophones for ex). I am more fluent in French than in English... so I really don't know what to do! help !


It's a no brainer to do it in French. :P

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I heard last year it was 8 stations.


What I think is the 10 stations we have is actually 7 (scenario/task-based @10minutes each. The 8th one is the traditional-style lasting for @20minutes (it would be considered station 8 and 9) and finally the 10th station is a break. Of course, the stations would be put in a different order.


Can anybody confirm that this year it is still the equivalent of 8 stations where you have to actually do something?

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So I had asked McGill to change my date and they got back to me saying they'd have to wait until all the RSVPs are in (supposed to be Feb 8 from what I figure)


Is there anyone out there who can switch from Monday (english) to Wednesday noon (english)?


It would really really help me out... I'll wait till next week and see what they say, but if I can find someone to switch with it might work as a last resort. It's totally my fault for booking a reading week trip then finding out what the dates were... the invite was bittersweet.


I'm in province if they interview by days or something.


Thanks for any help my friends.

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I heard last year it was 8 stations.


What I think is the 10 stations we have is actually 7 (scenario/task-based @10minutes each. The 8th one is the traditional-style lasting for @20minutes (it would be considered station 8 and 9) and finally the 10th station is a break. Of course, the stations would be put in a different order.


Can anybody confirm that this year it is still the equivalent of 8 stations where you have to actually do something?


Are the stations and scenarios something that you can't really prep for other than knowing yourself and a bit of the ethical stuff?


I've never done an MMI so I'm curious:confused:

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jawn_doe, one thing you can do to prepare is practice reading the question in 2 min under a great deal of stress as well as synthesizing a well structured and coherent answer to a complex moral/ethical/political etc problem in 8 minutes.


i also found this blog that adds some MMI scenarios and deconstructs a few of them.



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Are the stations and scenarios something that you can't really prep for other than knowing yourself and a bit of the ethical stuff?


I've never done an MMI so I'm curious:confused:


NO. It is really a fun experience where you need to be adaptable to new situations you cannot dream of. See what ontariostudent said about the MMI in my Sticky on interview prep., the link is below in my signature. She was just herself, as was I, neother of us prepared and we are both in med school.

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