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U/C Interview Discussion 2011-2012

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Following in the footsteps of what KCA did for U/O Forum, I thought I might follow his/her format and open a discussion thread to keep the stats thread tidy!


Congrats to everyone who received an interview! Sorry for those who did not. but don't give up. In the normal course, it can take several cycles of applying for success to happen. So wait to hear back from other schools and, if necessary, keep applying until you achieve your goal!

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They've actually sent out invitations at 4AM one year. As agonizing as it is, I don't think we can assume office hours will apply. Dr. Walker may work late to get the invites out.


Okay I just depressed myself.


Oh... wow... that's kind of a bummer. We might as well sleep tonight and find out when we wake up tomorrow then, LOL!

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So. Here's my understanding of the odds - correct me if I'm off the mark.


Complete applications: ~ 1900 - 100% (Source: 2011 stats)

Full file reviews: 1180 - 62.1% (Source: Invite email)

Interview invites: 645 - 33.9% (Source: Blog)

Class spots: ~ 180 - 15.3% (Source: 2011 stats)


So, if you've made it this far, you're in the top sixth! Congrats! And at this point, you have approximately a 30% chance of acceptance - probably much higher, once you factor in those that are accepted but decline.


In essence, every third person you see at the interview will be attending in September. So, if you're thinking of sabotage, don't go overboard! Knobbling only two peers should go a long way! :D

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So. Here's my understanding of the odds - correct me if I'm off the mark.


Complete applications: ~ 1900 - 100% (Source: 2011 stats)

Full file reviews: 1180 - 62.1% (Source: Invite email)

Interview invites: 645 - 33.9% (Source: Blog)

Class spots: ~ 180 - 15.3% (Source: 2011 stats)


So, if you've made it this far, you're in the top sixth! Congrats! And at this point, you have approximately a 30% chance of acceptance - probably much higher, once you factor in those that are accepted but decline.


In essence, every third person you see at the interview will be attending in September. So, if you're thinking of sabotage, don't go overboard! Knobbling only two peers should go a long way! :D


The class size last year was 170

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3.78 GPA

11 V/15 BS/15 PS MCAT

5th year IP student

Lots of work experience, two summers + current year research, one pub, organizing Terry Fox Cancer Run, other various volunteering roles


I am sad and confused and don't know what to do for next year.


I'm surprised no interview, but I think you should go for the states if you could afford tuition, they'd love you down there



1. IP

2. BSc. in Engineering Physics, current MSc. student

3. 3.83

4. 14 VR (14/14/15/S)

5. ECs: Low average - research, some basic leadership/volunteering, plus lifetime of piano.

Med or not (but hopefully med) someone get this guy a job! He clearly has some good intellectual aptitudes.

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For the interview block, is the MMI the first portion (I assume about 2 hrs) and the presentation and tour the other two?


sort of. The first half hour you just sign int etc. Then its MMI for 1.5 hrs, then a snack followed by the presentation and the tour. I didn't do the tour last year, so I have no idea how long it takes.

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Cool thanks. One less thing to prepare for! I don't really understand the need for an essay when the MCAT writing sample is probably good enough to judge.


Booked mine too! See you guys in a few weeks!


No worries. Dr. Walker's reasoning when explaining their decision was along these lines too. I am happy about that as well - last year I was brain-dead and exhausted after the MMI and writing a 40 min essay right after did not sound appealing whatsoever.

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