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University of Toronto Life Science?


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I am currently an IB high school student and just received my mid term grades which supposedly gets sent to ouac for universities to look at. They are terrible as hell mainly cause I screwed up my mid terms crazy. My top six for universities are needed and uof t require calculus and chemistry I believe for life sci. I got a 73 in chemistry, 77 in biology, 73 in advance functions, 89 in french, 90 in economics and english should be around 80 - 85. Do you think I have a shot at getting into u of t despite what they say about mid 80s requirements?

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IB student here too. Your high school will "inflate" your marks and send them to university in order to compensate for the increased difficulty of the IB program. What that means is that you will be predicted an IB grade out of 7. A 7=96, 6=91, 5=86, 4=81 and so on. What the threshold is for the IB score really depends on your teacher. For example, in my school >85 in economics would be a 7 which equals 96 in "Academic-level" marks, which is what would appear on transcripts.


At least that's how I think it works in my school. I recommend walking into your guidance office and talking to your IB coordinator immediately to see how it works in your school. It's not good to stay unsure about these things and the guidance office is basically paid to explain all this to you anyways.

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I am currently an IB high school student and just received my mid term grades which supposedly gets sent to ouac for universities to look at. They are terrible as hell mainly cause I screwed up my mid terms crazy. My top six for universities are needed and uof t require calculus and chemistry I believe for life sci. I got a 73 in chemistry, 77 in biology, 73 in advance functions, 89 in french, 90 in economics and english should be around 80 - 85. Do you think I have a shot at getting into u of t despite what they say about mid 80s requirements?


Why shoot yourself in the foot and go to U/T?

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The marks you see here ARE my inflated marks. I did really poorly and am gonna talk to the guidance counsellor but I don't think he can do anything for me in the sense of bumping my marks up. Do you still think I could get in cause my top 6 grades average is around 80.2? I really wanna go to u of t because I've just always imagined myself going there and would like to have the option of going despite the fact they murder gpas down there for sport.

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Nahh, trust me you don't want to come down here, unless you're especially gifted and can outsmart everybody else. I don't want to scare you or anything, but it is really hard here. Don't get me wrong, there are people that get 90+ averages, but they're not as common.

If you really have the determination to do well then come here, but why take the risk? If you plan on going to med school i suggest going to a different uni. Why go down the harder path and risk not getting into med school when you have a higher chance of doing better in another uni.


I'm not saying other uni's are a joke compared to U of T, its just that they're easier and you pretty much learn the same material, for bio and chem at least. Students who went to Mac or York are just as competent in med school as kids from U of T, so don't get the impression that you'll be much smarter than them. I'm saying this because I know quite a few people here who think they're smarter than kids from other universities.

If you plan on going into research though, there are a lot of opportunities here, as long as you maintain a 3.3+ cGPA first year, and some research positions don't even ask for grades. You can also record any lecture you want, which i found pretty useful and not as common at other uni's from what I've heard.

If you do plan on coming here for sure, and you have any questions about courses feel free to PM me.


Just out of curiosity why do you really want to come to U of T? Is it prestige? Friends going there?

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Students who went to Mac or York are just as competent in med school as kids from U of T, so don't get the impression that you'll be much smarter than them. I'm saying this because I know quite a few people here who think they're smarter than kids from other universities.


I agree with everything you said, zainy, but Mac is definitely not one of the easier schools. UofT and McMaster are arguably the most difficult for sciences.


However, as zainy said, make sure you keep up your grades because a competitive GPA would help for any program.

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Nahh, trust me you don't want to come down here, unless you're especially gifted and can outsmart everybody else. I don't want to scare you or anything, but it is really hard here. Don't get me wrong, there are people that get 90+ averages, but they're not as common.


If you really have the determination to do well then come here, but why take the risk? If you plan on going to med school i suggest going to a different uni. Why go down the harder path and risk not getting into med school when you have a higher chance of doing better in another uni.


Best advice you will receive here, but you really want to punish yourself. Its your life.:eek:

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UoT I found to feel a little more... Impersonal. It's just the impression I got from my tours there, but basically the gigantic classrooms and the sheer number of people walking around the campus with strained looks on their faces kind of deterred me from going there.


I think you'd be able to get in with your grades, but you really need to see if you actually want to.

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Why shoot yourself in the foot and go to U/T?


I have several friends at UofT St. George and they are doing fine. One is in the LMP program (one of the top life science programs) with a 3.9x GPA and he didn't even have a 90% avg in highschool. So Please don't try scaring other students if you haven't been to UofT (I know it's difficult but all I hear is rumours about how difficult UofT is by students who don't even go to UofT. It is possible to do well, very well in any school so no point of creating false rumours).

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It is good that you are making your point. I graduated from No Name University, received an excellent education and was a straight A student due to a strong work ethic. From reading the posts on this forum for over 3 years, I am convinced that had I gone to U/T for undergrad, I would not be in med school today. The OP should receive a range of views, especially from a range of U/T students, and make his/her own decision.

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I like the campus and its not too far from home but still far enough that I can live on residence, plus the campus is pretty. However like I said before, I want the option of going, whether I decide to go or not. Just like it was previously mentioned, I have heard of people doing well and terribly in the U of T life science program. I was wondering what grades you got in highschool and what life science programs you were accepted to? I'm superbly paranoid because everyone around me is telling me I need atleast an 85 to go to u of t (university college) or any other life sci program. I applied to york psychology, western biomed, and mcmaster life sci. Do you think I can get in with an 80? Also, regarding the places where you ended up going, did you find it to be a gpa killer, what was your gpa? And is anyone in medschool at the moment?

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I like the campus and its not too far from home but still far enough that I can live on residence, plus the campus is pretty. However like I said before, I want the option of going, whether I decide to go or not. Just like it was previously mentioned, I have heard of people doing well and terribly in the U of T life science program. I was wondering what grades you got in highschool and what life science programs you were accepted to? I'm superbly paranoid because everyone around me is telling me I need atleast an 85 to go to u of t (university college) or any other life sci program. I applied to york psychology, western biomed, and mcmaster life sci. Do you think I can get in with an 80? Also, regarding the places where you ended up going, did you find it to be a gpa killer, what was your gpa? And is anyone in medschool at the moment?


Anecdote: I know a girl who got in to life sci at UofT with a 70 average.


Now, you can't generalize an entire university and say that one is harder than the other. I think it depends more on individual professors, and how wisely you choose your courses (i.e how much you use ratemyprof.com).

For example: York's first year chem is supposedly harder than UofT's. another anecdote: I sent York's chem tests to a couple of my friends at UTSG and they agree they have it easier.

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I agree. I am finishing my undergrad at Ottawa in Honours Biomed. I figured uOttawa would be eaier than some other schools. That being said, I've had to work my butt off to keep my GPA where I want it. I think the poster above was spot on when they said it depends on profs and specific courses.

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Anecdote: I know a girl who got in to life sci at UofT with a 70 average.


Now, you can't generalize an entire university and say that one is harder than the other. I think it depends more on individual professors, and how wisely you choose your courses (i.e how much you use ratemyprof.com).

For example: York's first year chem is supposedly harder than UofT's. another anecdote: I sent York's chem tests to a couple of my friends at UTSG and they agree they have it easier.


not true for utsg.


They have multiple choice on a chemistry exam. That sucks a lot more than york. we just have short answers with 30 marks or so of short answers.. its much harder to do a m/c chemistry exam.


anyways, this debate has happened so many times.. just read the past threads.

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not true for utsg.


They have multiple choice on a chemistry exam. That sucks a lot more than york. we just have short answers with 30 marks or so of short answers.. its much harder to do a m/c chemistry exam.


anyways, this debate has happened so many times.. just read the past threads.


There was only a few MC last year...precisely 10 for orgo and around 20 for physical...along with short answers for both.


I have several friends at UofT St. George and they are doing fine. One is in the LMP program (one of the top life science programs) with a 3.9x GPA and he didn't even have a 90% avg in highschool. So Please don't try scaring other students if you haven't been to UofT (I know it's difficult but all I hear is rumours about how difficult UofT is by students who don't even go to UofT. It is possible to do well, very well in any school so no point of creating false rumours).


Yes, it depends on who you ask. Those that complain tend to be those that aren't doing as well as they'd like to or despise putting in the amount of work for the 'good grades' while their friends are supposedly partying everyday at different universities.


But to come back to future_doc's point, the stuff they teach you isn't special to ONE university. It's not like one school teaches better chemistry or biology than another school.


But being more realistic, there are people that come here with 70s and low 80s and do well, and then there are those that suffer with respect to grades. But if there's one trend I'm starting to notice, it's that people who have extracurricular activities(mainly sports from what I've observed) to keep on top of tend to do a little better than those without and who are just coming to school, hangin out, and then going home to study. When you keep busy, I find, it forces you to use all your time efficiently.


Ask around. Not only on this forum but to everybody you know. Where you spend your next 4 years is very crucial.

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not true for utsg.


They have multiple choice on a chemistry exam. That sucks a lot more than york. we just have short answers with 30 marks or so of short answers.. its much harder to do a m/c chemistry exam.


anyways, this debate has happened so many times.. just read the past threads.


To tell you the truth, the MC for orgo chem were actually quite simple and straightforward, except for maybe 1 or 2 AT MOST. The concepts were mainly taken from the past papers, and very rarely did they introduce new questions.


From what Ive seen in orgo chem, most people end up struggling in the short answer questions because some of them are brand new every year, doing every single past paper won't help you on these type of questions, and its more about who truly understands the material and can think creatively whereas MC's are just about getting enough practice.


Im not sure about CHM139 though.


HOWEVER, I had a an easier prof for orgo chem who made the MCQ's easier. I looked at some of Brownings past tests for orgo and the MC's were brutal, i think i scored 50 and 55% on those MCQ's.


My average going into UTSG was 85.2%. I got rejected from a lot of places. To tell you the truth, I didn't study as much as I should have in hs and I did a lot of studying the night before etc etc. I changed my habits for UTSG, for some courses, but I didn't do as well as I thought I would. Im not saying that its the university's fault, jus saying that in uni i started studying like 3 days crazy before the test, + doing some hw problems here and there. I wasn't really as consistent as I should have been.


I think you would get into UTSG for life science, but your shot at mac life sci, western biomes are nill, no offence or anything.


Don't go into uni thinking that "Im not going to do well at UTSG, my friends told me its uber-competetive blah blah". If you work really hard you can do well here. My cGPA before exams was pretty good, like a 3.6... the exams literally killed me though and landed with a 3.2.


And for all those people that say that UTSG bell-curves down your marks, its totally untrue, at least for 1st year. They will always bell curve UP, and if one test was easy like a 70% average they'll make the exam hard to bring down the average.


Like I said before, attend another university IF YOUR TRUE GOAL IS MED SCHOOL.

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It is good that you are making your point. I graduated from No Name University, received an excellent education and was a straight A student due to a strong work ethic. From reading the posts on this forum for over 3 years, I am convinced that had I gone to U/T for undergrad, I would not be in med school today. The OP should receive a range of views, especially from a range of U/T students, and make his/her own decision.


First of all, most people saying that UofT is incredibly difficult are the ones who DONT even go there such as yourself. So how can you judge? I've met 2 girls, one who transfered from UofT Scar to York (her marks stayed the same) and the other who transfered from UofT St.G to York (her marks went up slightly but could be due to sharper learning skills and due to experience). My point is, if you haven't gone through the experience of being at UofT, don't tell others about rumours you've heard which are liekly false. All I hear on this furoms is other university students spreading rumours about another instituion that they've never been part of.


P.S. I do agree that on most parts, UofT 1st year courses have slightly more difficult tests but the bell curving that they are given makes up for it. Think about this: How come UofT is soo hard and yet they have the same class avaerage as other insitituions? Bellcurves...

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OP, do you want to be a doctor or do you want to work in some lab making 30k a year with very little room for improvement (for the rest of your life)?


This is a false dichotomy.... btw, I know you didn't mean it, but that can be pretty offensive for people who do make 30K/year and enjoy what they do- again sorry to point that out I know you didn't mean to offend anyone by that


I think this topic deserves a sticky: 'Should I go to UofT?' of 'Should I go to UofT vs. (insert other school name)?', there's just so many questions about it


Anyways, for the OP, I think you'll almost definitely get accepted and I feel that all you need to know is that it is possible to do good at UofT (as a lot of people have actually said, if you look more into some of the posts) and the rest is upto you're hard work.... I guess it is arguably harder, but you mentioned you want the chance anyways, and the advantage of going to a 'prestigious' has to come with a price, or else everyone would be there (or more people)


Goodluck with your decision :)

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First of all, most people saying that UofT is incredibly difficult are the ones who DONT even go there such as yourself. So how can you judge? I've met 2 girls, one who transfered from UofT Scar to York (her marks stayed the same) and the other who transfered from UofT St.G to York (her marks went up slightly but could be due to sharper learning skills and due to experience). My point is, if you haven't gone through the experience of being at UofT, don't tell others about rumours you've heard which are liekly false. All I hear on this furoms is other university students spreading rumours about another instituion that they've never been part of.


P.S. I do agree that on most parts, UofT 1st year courses have slightly more difficult tests but the bell curving that they are given makes up for it. Think about this: How come UofT is soo hard and yet they have the same class avaerage as other insitituions? Bellcurves...


Obviously nobody can conclude beyond a shade of a doubt that U of T is far more difficult compared to other schools. However considering the evidence (and the veritable mountain of it), I think at this point it is safe to say that going to U of T is going to be more difficult to some degree and provide whoever goes there with unnecessary strain... med school is hard enough to get into as it is, why try to run a race with ankle weights when you can just avoid putting them on?

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