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And the hijacking of the thread continues...................


Hahaha oops sorry

There were definitely some responses before the hijacking started though, and I think looking at past threads may also be useful to look at b/c it has been asked quite a few times and most of the poeple who posted here also posted more or less the same thing in other threads discussing the same topic

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How about you share some of this "BIG INTEREST" by contributing to the scientific community through the publishing of some papers then? :rolleyes:


how many publications did you have that related directly to the medical field in your 2nd semester of undergrad at the age of 18?



I believe I said average which implies that there exists variation.


The sentence in bold is one grand statement that is quite subjective actually. Yes I don't know you personally so I wouldn't know any other motivations that you might have, and vice versa so you have no right to make such a statement. Go ahead and say that you have sincere, genuine motivations for wanting to go into medicine but don't state that you're motivations are "MUCH bigger" like wtf


and you're in school for 65 hours a week? yeah right


your* not you're


And you can think what you want lolz.

No I'm not in school for 65 hours a week, but my weekday schedules don't differ much from what you stated. Leaving at 8 30 am and getting home at 9pm is a typical day for me. Or leaving at 10am and getting home at 10 30pm.

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amysthetdoc gave a pretty insightful account of her dad... you have no immediate family members who are in medicine and your view could be very well different from how it would be if your father or mother were doctor.... I say that b/c I've met a girl who's dad is a doctor and sister is a studying in medicine and her opinion was pretty in line with what amysthetdoc said whereas you sound like a little child who jus watched a fantasy movie about what it's like to be a doctor or have relatives who are.... sounds like you are obssessed with the idea of becoming a doctor




Once again, you're always making it seem like it must be this either or option like if you don't become a doctor you will become someone who's working 50 hrs/week to make 50k... which is not the worst possible senario and you could be offending a lot of people... anyways I'm not going to try to go to into this b/c you mentioned you were Persian and maybe your view has to do something with culture (not a bad thing) but I'm not Persian and my culture is not close to it so I can't understand where you're coming from


PS do you live in Richmond Hill? You kind of implied it before, if you do I may be able to tell who you are lol... you don't have to answer that obviously, I'd understand if you don't want anyone to know who you are in person at this point... no offence it's just that you've created a lot of opposition against yourself on this thread




LOL what? Too bad muse blocked medigeek, he could've commented on this lol


lol I don't get it... if her dad was a neurosurgeon her view would be even harsher. But if her dad was a derm, she's think medicine is such a easy lifestyle field. Poor idea to let your parent give you an idea of what goes on when the variance is just too great.


And I have 5 uncles/aunts in medicine, while I don't see them every single day, I still know what it's like on each side (working harsh vs. milder hours) as well as their satisfaction levels. Theyre all very happy and 4/5 of them mainly did it for the money... (100% serious). On the other hand I have a couple other relatives who tried to make money by going the "busines route," they're not only frustrated at life but barely get by financially with the major assitance of their spouse.



And as for the richmond hill comment, lol @ thinking being persian = richmond hill... no im not.

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lol I don't get it... if her dad was a neurosurgeon her view would be even harsher. But if her dad was a derm, she's think medicine is such a easy lifestyle field. Poor idea to let your parent give you an idea of what goes on when the variance is just too great.


And I have 5 uncles/aunts in medicine, while I don't see them every single day, I still know what it's like on each side (working harsh vs. milder hours) as well as their satisfaction levels. Theyre all very happy and 4/5 of them mainly did it for the money... (100% serious). On the other hand I have a couple other relatives who tried to make money by going the "busines route," they're not only frustrated at life but barely get by financially with the major assitance of their spouse.


And as for the richmond hill comment, lol @ thinking being persian = richmond hill... no im not.

Well that would explain why all your posts about business are along the lines of 'only 0.001% of people who go into business actually make good money, its unstable' etc. no offence but just b/c your relatives did not succeed in business does not mean only .001% of the population is successful in business... that is so anecdotal... I know several people at my school whose parents own their own business and are extremely successful, so to speak



Lol what? :confused: ... I have no idea where you got that assumption from, as far as I'm concerned being Richmond Hill= mostly Italians


and I said that b/c you specifically said in one of your posts that Richmond Hill is a good place to live or something like that.... not b/c I assumed Persian= Richmond Hill, whereever you got that from

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Why are you acting as if you know if everything about medicine? Throughout my dad's career, that I've seen at least, I saw variance. He worked at many different places and all had different time requirements. Right not he works a lot. There were times when he worked on a salary based income, $X amount every single month ~40hrs a week, very relaxed. Times when he had night shifts, and would get a day off one or two times a week. Right now he juggles between two different clinics = more hours and his income depends on the number of patients he sees. A doctor's career isn't static.


lol and that was my point.

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I think people need to remember that at the end of the day, it's still just a job. Most people's goal when looking for a career is finding something you love to do and get paid well for doing it. One of the reasons I am pursuing medicine is the financial stability. That doesn't mean I won't love what I'm doing and won't give everything I got when practicing. Please don't assume that you can just walk into the real world with a business degree and start pulling in 6 figures, because that is absolutely not the case. Another common misconception is that you can make good money through entrepreneurship. The vast majority lose their shirts and are over shadowed by the few self-made millionaires. If it were so easy, everybody would do it. I believe at least part of the reason most people want to be a physician is money and/or prestige (although not everyone may admit it). But that's OK, as long as you still have a passion for what you're doing and do a good job of it.

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I think people need to remember that at the end of the day, it's still just a job. Most people's goal when looking for a career is finding something you love to do and get paid well for doing it. One of the reasons I am pursuing medicine is the financial stability. That doesn't mean I won't love what I'm doing and won't give everything I got when practicing. Please don't assume that you can just walk into the real world with a business degree and start pulling in 6 figures, because that is absolutely not the case. Another common misconception is that you can make good money through entrepreneurship. The vast majority lose their shirts and are over shadowed by the few self-made millionaires. If it were so easy, everybody would do it. I believe at least part of the reason most people want to be a physician is money and/or prestige (although not everyone may admit it). But that's OK, as long as you still have a passion for what you're doing and do a good job of it.


And this man is 10x wiser than anyone else I've replied to in this thread.


So many people on here and some on SDN always spout off about business degree = $$$ and how you can easily make tons of money... :rolleyes: Yes and that's why so many people make 500k/year while working half as much as doctors do right ? :rolleyes:

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I think people need to remember that at the end of the day, it's still just a job. Most people's goal when looking for a career is finding something you love to do and get paid well for doing it. One of the reasons I am pursuing medicine is the financial stability. That doesn't mean I won't love what I'm doing and won't give everything I got when practicing. Please don't assume that you can just walk into the real world with a business degree and start pulling in 6 figures, because that is absolutely not the case. Another common misconception is that you can make good money through entrepreneurship. The vast majority lose their shirts and are over shadowed by the few self-made millionaires. If it were so easy, everybody would do it. I believe at least part of the reason most people want to be a physician is money and/or prestige (although not everyone may admit it). But that's OK, as long as you still have a passion for what you're doing and do a good job of it.


Will this debate ever end? Lol

All I will say is that I don't think it is that realistic to assume that getting into medicine is a ton easier than starting a successful business/entrepenership... It's not like someone who goes into business will automatically fail whereas it is much more realistic and easy to get into medical school... though there is stability in medicine, once you get into medical school... but the path to going into medicine is not easy or garunteed


Anyways I think this debate is pointless b/c you can lay out thousands of statistics but in my opinion, at the end of the day, statistics and anecdotes mean absolutely nothing for the individual- there will always be people who, individually, would have much better success through entrepeneurship than they ever would tyring to get into medicine and vice versa

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Will this debate ever end? Lol

All I will say is that I don't think it is that realistic to assume that getting into medicine is a ton easier than starting a successful business/entrepenership... It's not like someone who goes into business will automatically fail whereas it is much more realistic and easy to get into medical school... though there is stability in medicine, once you get into medical school... but the path to going into medicine is not easy or garunteed


Anyways I think this debate is pointless b/c you can lay out thousands of statistics but in my opinion, at the end of the day, statistics and anecdotes mean absolutely nothing for the individual- there will always be people who, individually, would have much better success through entrepeneurship than they ever would tyring to get into medicine and vice versa


I didn't say it was easier, all I said was money doesn't automatically start flowing in with a business degree or through entrepreneurship. It's tough to make a buck wherever you go and whatever you do. Also, I'm not debating anything. I just wanted to enlighten some misinformed people about the business world and how it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

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I didn't say it was easier, all I said was money doesn't automatically start flowing in with a business degree or through entrepreneurship. It's tough to make a buck wherever you go and whatever you do. Also, I'm not debating anything. I just wanted to enlighten some misinformed people about the business world and how it's not all sunshine and rainbows.


Lol woops I actually did not mean to quote you, haha sorry about that (thought I did make a reference to what you said)

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There you go.


And for the record, my math skills as said before are not great. My IQ was scored at 90 - so I am not quite up to being average. While people like deeman partied and throughly enjoyed undergrad and attained high grades, this was impossible for me. Being of barely average intelligence, I had to work very hard always for my grades. In my case at least, my success is a combo of 10% intelligence and 90% perseverence and a strong work ethic day and night for years which gave me my straight As that led to medicine. I still don't know why the sky is blue, why the grass is green while others do; however, I enjoy and appreciate the blue sky and green grass and that is what is important to us average or below average people.


I like this. When I was young, I was ahead of my peers in school by a lot. I was SO bored in school that I ended up not taking an interest in it. Got through high school absolutely fine...but then, enter uni. I was not used to working hard OR receiving new info at huge bursts.

So I now must bow down to hard work meaning more than intelligence in these realms. Intelligence can make your life much easier BUT the skill that accompanies hard work will take you places where your intelligence is lacking, or afraid to go.

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I like this. When I was young, I was ahead of my peers in school by a lot. I was SO bored in school that I ended up not taking an interest in it. Got through high school absolutely fine...but then, enter uni. I was not used to working hard OR receiving new info at huge bursts.

So I now must bow down to hard work meaning more than intelligence in these realms. Intelligence can make your life much easier BUT the skill that accompanies hard work will take you places where your intelligence is lacking, or afraid to go.


But this is coming from someone who's intelligent to begin with.....lol

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But this is coming from someone who's intelligent to begin with.....lol


Not sure I follow. I just like how future_doc used hardwork all throughout undergrad to get to where they are now. I'm always experimenting to try to find quick fixes of getting the material into my head in the least amount of time so I can be doing other things for much longer...and it doesn't always work, and I've failed miserably at times. So I'm starting to see that MAYBE hard work IS key...:o

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Not sure I follow. I just like how future_doc used hardwork all throughout undergrad to get to where they are now. I'm always experimenting to try to find quick fixes of getting the material into my head in the least amount of time so I can be doing other things for much longer...and it doesn't always work, and I've failed miserably at times. So I'm starting to see that MAYBE hard work IS key...:o


I meant that you are able to be successful with hard work because you have the base (intelligence) to build upon using work.


How would you explain the number of people I know who work harder than a lot of others, yet don't even get close to their marks?


And I don't buy the one time IQ score of 90 thing... I knew 2 people, one who got 95 and another who got 110. The 95 girl was much much smarter in every sense than the 110 girl, (in real life, in every class). Point? An IQ test can be next to meaningless in many cases.

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