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Health Care System Interview Questions


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How much knowledge should we have of the Health Care System?

That is the one part of the interview I am slightly concerned about so any insight is greatly appreciated.




Don't overburden yourself with toooo much knowlwedge. Just have a basic understanding of how it works: The Canada Health Act, Primary vs. Secondary Care, Division of Care (federal gov provides funding to provinces, provinces administer care, LHIN try to integrate and coordinate local care across sectors), and current issues (oecd report: Canada ranked in the bottom in terms of access, mammography efficacy, family medicine shortage, etc...)


I think wikipedia will help you in most of these respects. As long as you can provide the basic (and I mean basic) principles (e.g., a two-three sentence explanation of how care is provided), and then elaborate on it with your own opinion (which hopefully is balanced), you should be ok.

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