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Summer Courses

Guest ML

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If I take a summer term to do some of my med pre-reqs, am I still elligible to get into med school? How will most schools calculate my GPA with summer courses? And finally, are courses taken during the summer harder than during the regular year?



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Guest Ian Wong

Med schools will only care that you have the necessary pre-req courses, regardless of when you take them. Some med schools count the summer GPA, others don't. You'll need to contact each med school to find out what they do. Summer courses are done in the summer (duh!), and therefore can go at a much more rapid pace. Generally, summer courses don't take the full four months that they would take in either the fall or spring semesters.


Whether you think this is more difficult or not depends on your perspective. You'll be covering the same material at a more rapid rate versus doing it over an entire semester, but at the same time, the material will be fresher in your head for finals, and you might not have another 4 courses to study for as you would if you were a full-time student in the fall or spring.



UBC, Med 3

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