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Campus assignment

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"Waterloo and Niagara Regional Campuses:


Of the 203 positions in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, 28 are currently designated for the Waterloo Regional Campus and 28 are currently designated for the Niagara Regional Campus. All applicants invited to the McMaster MMI (Multiple-Mini Interview) will be asked to rank their site choice (Hamilton, Waterloo Region or Niagara Region) as 1, 2, 3 or No Preference. Offers of admission to the medical school will be made from the master rank list irrespective of geographical preference. Subsequent to filling the 203 positions, registrants to the class will be offered a position based on their preference and geographical background. The offer of admission will be binding to a specific site."


So do you know what campus you would get assigned to when you get the offer? Or only after you accept?


I assume it's the latter... but some people would accept one school over another (assuming they got multiple offers) depending on what campus they were offered. Can anyone shed some light on the matter?

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I am also wondering whether the following is possible: you are offered acceptance, but get your 2nd or 3rd choice of campuses, you ask to be put on the waiting list for your 1st choice. Anyone have any thoughts?
Not possible. Like the above poster said, you offer is binding to the campus that you are assigned.
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What are the advantages of the regional campuses, I know that you'd be working in a more cohesive group, but facility-wise, would regional campuses be lacking?


I assume that most people would pick the Hamilton campus as their first choice?


A friend of mine who was at the Kitchener campus and is now doing her OB-GYN residency in Hamilton said that the med students under her have a really hard time getting experience because there are so many of them. You might see more in Hamilton, but the amount of hands-on experience may be less because there are just more students all looking to get the same experience.


Note: I'm writing this while on night shift so I'm not exactly sure if what I wrote made sense or is proper english. But you get my point. Smaller hospital = Fewer people = more opportunity to do. Larger hospital = more things to see but less opportunity to do.

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There are advantages to each of the campuses. It's worth checking each out and deciding....don't assume Hamilton is better because it's the largest. Students from all campuses have access to Hamilton resources and can do electives/horizontals with Hamilton faculty. However regional students often get preferential access to specialists in their region over Hamilton campus students. By third year many clerks in regional campuses are working more like residents because there are almost no residents between them, the physician and the patient.

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