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will I get an interview?

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The cut off was 18. To get an interview they look at your grades and RC (not aa..that's for later).


From reading on the forum, I think I have heard the following... The RC probably will not go up since you must have an undergrad degree now (or finishing one). This means that there will probably be a smaller applicant pool and therefore less RC competition. Also from what I read, I think you still have a chance at an interview.

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imo no you dont. if you do get an interview you will need a near perfect score to get in. your GPA is too low (same with your AA). People with 90s and 21AA got rejected


you do meet the RC cutoff though


Sorry to be blunt.


But also since there are new requirements (need to graduate) it might change this year. So who knows.

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in my honest opinion i dont think you will. but crazier things have happened. and especially with the changes in their admissions process you might have a better chance. (not really sure how many offers they used give out to 2nd and 3rd years)


EDIT: here are the WL/acceptance threads from last year



just WL



found 1 person with an 86.6 and AA 20 that got an interview

so maybe you have a chance?

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I think you might be able get an interview provided they do not change the RC cut-off. Last year, I read one of my friends rejection email and it said that the GPA cut-off was about 84.6% or something along those lines. The GPA cutoff tends to vary depending on the competitiveness of the applicant pool, so I think it's just a matter of chance at the moment. I know it's easier said then done, but just stop thinking about it for now. You know the facts from last year now, just hope that the cutoffs are similar to last year:)


it was 18 i think....i checked. do you think i have a chance? do they select ppl for the interview based on best two years + rc or best two years + rc + aa?
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I think you will get an interview provided they do not change the RC cut-off. Last year, I read one of my friends rejection email and it said that the GPA cut-off was about 84.6% or something along those lines. The GPA cutoff tends to vary depending on the competitiveness of the applicant pool, so I think it's just a matter of chance at the moment. I know it's easier said then done, but just stop thinking about it for now. You know the facts from last year now, just hope that the cutoffs are similar to last year:)


I imagine the GPA cut-off might fall a bit, since they no longer allow 3rd years to apply. Most of those applicants were high-achieving applicants who had high marks in their first two years of undergrad, and a healthy number of them were accepted to previous classes. Also since they didn't get the "bonus points" or whatever for having a degree by the time they matriculate, they probably had rather high grades to begin with. IMO third year applicants were probably on the higher range of grade achievement, so I think the cut-off might fall a tiny bit.

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Yup, I completely agree with you. Most students who got in with high grades were 3rd year students, and I'm pretty sure they would want to interview ~250 candidates again, so I wouldn't be surprised if it drops down by a bit, like you suggested.

On another note, how are the US schools treating you? I think the last time we spoke you had just interviewed somewhere, any good news?


I imagine the GPA cut-off might fall a bit, since they no longer allow 3rd years to apply. Most of those applicants were high-achieving applicants who had high marks in their first two years of undergrad, and a healthy number of them were accepted to previous classes. Also since they didn't get the "bonus points" or whatever for having a degree by the time they matriculate, they probably had rather high grades to begin with. IMO third year applicants were probably on the higher range of grade achievement, so I think the cut-off might fall a tiny bit.
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Yup, I completely agree with you. Most students who got in with high grades were 3rd year students, and I'm pretty sure they would want to interview ~250 candidates again, so I wouldn't be surprised if it drops down by a bit, like you suggested.

On another note, how are the US schools treating you? I think the last time we spoke you had just interviewed somewhere, any good news?


Well, the cycle is pretty much over now so I don't expect any more interviews. I got accepted at all 3 schools I interviewed at, and ended up skipping out on my USC interview because it was too far, and the school was too expensive anyways. I just need to decide between NYU and Case at the moment.


How about you?

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YES, trust me, you do have a chance. It may be borderline and you will have to do amazing on the interview for a good chance of acceptance.


For anyone else who's wondering, an 85 average and RC 18 are pretty much the minimum stats you needed to get an interview for UWO.


go study for dental anatomy and cardio, zap.

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Hey congrats man, you must be relieved! I ended up getting into Penn a few days after I interviewed in January, so I withdrew my app from other schools and turned down my NYU interview as well. This application cycle put a hole in my pocket, so I was too cheap to spend more money to go down to NY. Good luck with Canadian schools!


Well, the cycle is pretty much over now so I don't expect any more interviews. I got accepted at all 3 schools I interviewed at, and ended up skipping out on my USC interview because it was too far, and the school was too expensive anyways. I just need to decide between NYU and Case at the moment.


How about you?

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