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less than 5 credit penalty for UWO

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Hey Does anyone know how much penalty does 4.5 credits have for UWO?

One of my years is 4.5 the other one is 5 credits.

If I use those two my average is 89.4% but if I decided to skip the 4.5 credit year, and use another 5 credit year it will be 88.3%.


P.S.---> AA is 22, RC is 21.


I asked them before, we just know there is some kind of penalty applied, "how much" is something that they didn't want me to know about.

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They wont tell you how much the penalty is, but they will choose the years that give you the highest 2 year average in the end. In other words, they apply the penalty BEFORE choosing the best 2 years. I asked Trish about this, but just email her to confirm it again, she's very nice and informative.

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They wont tell you how much the penalty is, but they will choose the years that give you the highest 2 year average in the end. In other words, they apply the penalty BEFORE choosing the best 2 years. I asked Trish about this, but just email her to confirm it again, she's very nice and informative.


so do we get to know what GPA were used? If so, I guess we can calculate how much the penalty is

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  • 2 weeks later...
so does the penalty apply to GPA, not overall score? do you think it's 3-4% on GPA?


realistically speaking, which ever the case is, the penalty itself shouldn't be that much severe (esp if you took 4.5/5 credits). However, since the standard deviation of the overall scores of all the applicants is so small, such small penalty can affect your standing IMO.

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