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I have a few resources to share! :)


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Hey everyone! So I feel like I have been spamming the pre-med forum with new threads, but I thought this would be useful!! I just came back from talking to my advisor about 20 minutes ago and I got some stuff that I thought could be very useful!


I don't know how to use attachments so I will have to type these out! Argh! :mad:


MCAT Websites:





The last two have study notes, tips, practice questions, etc!



And this file is a comparison PDF! It tells you what each school wants, which ones need MCAT, prerequisites, etc etc! You have to download it from mediafire, so I hope everyone is okay with that! I have also been told it is outdated, so please take it with a grain of salt or ignore, lol



I hope you all find it useful! :)

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What isn't new? I just got these from my advisor today, they are new to me. If they aren't new or useful for anyone on here I will take them down. :( I was just trying to be nice.


No they aren't up to date. For instance, we know that Queens doesn't require pre-reqs now and that their WS is preferred at a Q. Calg looks @ VR only now for the MCAT and McGill does not require MCAT anymore.


These and other changes make the document somewhat outdated. So they might be misleading towards someone for the next application cycle, the OMSAS booklet and individual school websites should be the primary resource.


Thanks for trying to be helpful though :)

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No they aren't up to date. For instance, we know that Queens doesn't require pre-reqs now and that their WS is preferred at a Q. Calg looks @ VR only now for the MCAT and McGill does not require MCAT anymore.


These and other changes make the document somewhat outdated. So they might be misleading towards someone for the next application cycle, the OMSAS booklet and individual school websites should be the primary resource.


Thanks for trying to be helpful though :)


oohhhhhhhhh! I didn't know that! I guess I should check on my own the long and hard way! Lol Thanks :)

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