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Deciding between three undergrad programs ....


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Hello again,

I just found out that I got accepted into the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. However, I am not sure if I want to work towards a BSc. in Anatomy and Cell Biology, a BSc. in Biomedical Sciences, or a BSc. in Physiology/Pharmacology. Can anyone tell me a little more about these three programs (I have already gone to the website to look up each one)? If I do not get into medical school, which one would be the better back up? Which program has the most pre-meds (so that I can stay away from their over-competitive behaviours)? If there is anyone who knows something about any of these programs (or even anything about the university), please feel free to comment! :)

Thanks in advance!!:)

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Hello again,

I just found out that I got accepted into the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. However, I am not sure if I want to work towards a BSc. in Anatomy and Cell Biology, a BSc. in Biomedical Sciences, or a BSc. in Physiology/Pharmacology. Can anyone tell me a little more about these three programs (I have already gone to the website to look up each one)? If I do not get into medical school, which one would be the better back up? Which program has the most pre-meds (so that I can stay away from their over-competitive behaviours)? If there is anyone who knows something about any of these programs (or even anything about the university), please feel free to comment! :)

Thanks in advance!!:)


Simple answer: it does not matter which degree you pursue; choose what you think you will enjoy and will do well. You do not really need a degree to get accepted into College of Medicine at Usask, (assuming thats where you want to apply) as the first two-years are mostly similar.


It depends on your choice as to which one you want to choose as a back-up since it is based on your preferences as well as other factors such as income etc!


Since College of Medicine at Usask does not require the completion of degree, I don't think there is any program that would have a lot of premeds as they would be spread-out (hunting for 'easier' courses :P)...though you would definable encounter them if you take prerequisites courses such as Physics.


These programs are actually your majors towards your Bsc degree; You do not need to choose a major in your first year if you do not want to or is not sure of which one to choose. Alternatively, you can always switch majors in between your undergrad years so you are not stick with one major. Basically, the degree requirements are mostly same for all of these programs except for the major requirement, which differs for each major/subject area (though even this requirement overlaps i.e. Chem 250 for most of the Type C programs etc).


Congratulation for the acceptance!

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For med school, It doesn't matter what you do in your undergrad or where you do it. Id just pick the one that sounds the coolest, that's what I ended up doing and picked biomed. I recommend taking a look at the courses that you have to take for the degree if you havn't already done so.


However, if you are looking to do something like research after your undergrad, then make sure your degree is an honours degree with 4 years and make sure you do a thesis.. I would argue your undergrad institution will be important if you wanna do research after bSc.

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