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no more bonus degree for Western?

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They can't announce the results the same time as UofT. UofT gets back to you near the end of April (approx, a month after the interview), UWO will get back in May. They are interviewing on April 14th and 15th, so I highly doubt they can make decisions so fast.

I think you will still get bonus points for honours vs. regular degrees as before the degree is officially conferred upon you (which is usually in June), you have go to your office of registrar and have them send a form in a sealed envelope which shows that you will be graduating with such and such degree in June. I think you can probably do the same with masters. They will not accept you unless you are going to finish your masters that year, so obviously you will need to forward documentation confirming that you have indeed satisfied all requirements and will be defending before a certain date.


really?? Can someone confirm this??
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dont you put on your application that you are going to complete(d) an HBSc?


i dont remember the app. But anyways to finalize your acceptance you still need to send in your final transcripts-they will see if you have had an HBSc award. and if not and you said you did then you will probably get your acceptance revoked (falsification or w/e)

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It's changing this year, all results will come out in May, which is before the degree is conferred. They are not going to have early admission any more I think. Like I said, they give you a form which you have to get filled out, stamped and sealed by your office of registrar and mail it to them. The form indicates which degree will be conferred upon you later on.

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For what it's worth, I emailed Trish in August after I got rejected and asked her if having an honours degree this year would help my application. She said that since they now require a 4-year degree, the degree bonus may be unlikely. I'm not exactly sure if there will be a distinction between an honours and a bachelor degree, but this is what's written on the site:


"Although primary consideration will be given to the most competitive two academic years and the DAT scores, overall academic performance (consistency, trend), honors degree (if applicable), and graduate education can also be used as selection criteria."

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For what it's worth, I emailed Trish in August after I got rejected and asked her if having an honours degree this year would help my application. She said that since they now require a 4-year degree, the degree bonus may be unlikely. I'm not exactly sure if there will be a distinction between an honours and a bachelor degree, but this is what's written on the site:


"Although primary consideration will be given to the most competitive two academic years and the DAT scores, overall academic performance (consistency, trend), honors degree (if applicable), and graduate education can also be used as selection criteria."


So you don't think they'll give us the bonus even if we send them the proof before the decision is made?

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So you don't think they'll give us the bonus even if we send them the proof before the decision is made?


I don't think the issue is proving you have the degree. They will obviously believe whatever you wrote in your initial application, and accordingly compromise your application if untrue. The main reason for sending out offers earlier is so that people have enough time to find accommodation for living, or if rejected, figure out what to do in the coming year.


The only bonus I see them possibly giving is if you have an honours degree, and that may not be guaranteed and only used as a means to separate candidates that are very similar in terms of admission criteria (GPA + DAT + interview).


My advice if you get an interview: ROCK THE INTERVIEW.

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