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  • 3 months later...
Did you find any of the suggestions above helpful - if not, what was?


I think the biggest help was the review course. I wasn't able to attend since my fellowship schedule stunk, but my friend was able to get the Powerpoints from Ottawa and fill me in on the OSCE/Mock Oral style.


Familiarity with the exam, especially the OSCE, is key. The exam is stressful enough without having to deal with an unfamiliar format.


For reference for those taking it in the future:

Writtens: ~150 questions ABR style. 80% clinical, 20% physics. I think it was 4 hours and I had plenty of time. Someone told me that there was about 15% recalls. I didn't have access to recalls, so can't say for sure. No CanMEDS questions.


OSCE: 10 stations + 2 break stations, 14 minutes each. I thought this was fairly straight forward, but if I didn't do practice OSCEs, I would have failed. Never felt short on time. It was basically the 10 ABR sections (nucs, ir, gi, gu, neuro, etc.) with about 10-15 questions each. I didn't get any CanMEDS or stats on the exam. I was really surprised about some of the questions they asked, as I felt that some of the questions were 'fellow level'.


Orals: 8 stations + 2 break stations, 30 minutes each. Every station had 5 cases that the examiner would make sure that you got through. Examiners were generally nice and helpful; they steered me back on track. Every case was multimodality: for instance, CXR - describe, diff, other modality? Then shows a CT, describe, diff, management? Or, for neuro, head CT, then MRI, then MRA, then angio, etc. Again, I was surprised about the complexity of some cases.


Overall good experience, but definitely different than ABR. Taking all 3 parts of the exam in a single year is stressful. Also, it's really hard to self-assess how well you did on an exam like this. I thought I flunked the writtens and orals, but obviously not.

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