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Which GTA-area unis best accommodate part-time students?

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And are within a reasonable commute by public transport to/from Toronto?


Important factors:


- scheduling: possibility of attending 1-2 days a week; availability of distance/evening/block/weekend courses


- advising/admin: transparent credit transfer process


- commute-ability


- GPA-friendliness (i.e., do not grade on a curve)


Less important factors:


- culture/demographics (very young?)


- if commuting from TO is impractical, city life (openness to diversity) & job prospects.




For a second undergrad in psychology, taking the above into consideration, I'm partial to:


- York

- Mac (though the scheduling seems nuts)

- maybe Guelph


Any thoughts and experiences are very welcome. Am even wondering whether I should consider going even farther afield (Western, Waterloo, Queens).

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I think you should add UofT- Scarborough as a university to consider.


If, as you say, you are in psychology, UTSC is extremely good to part-time/commuting students since many psychology courses are 'weboptioned', i.e. you can watch them online, in your home, at your own convenient time. Courses that aren't online are available in the evening, like 7-10pm - Developmental Psychology.


It is obviously a practical commute from Toronto.


As for other factors, I am simply not aware of them in detail to give you a good answer about what it's like (transfer credits? I don't know..)


I personally found it very GPA friendly, straightforward, and fair. I can't say that everyone will agree with me, but I think whatever challenges/complaints are universal to every university.

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Hi both,


Kind thanks for your thoughtful replies.


I'd put U of T out of mind altogether, out of concern around curve grading, though it does seem that Scarborough extends itself for non-traditional students, which is encouraging.


While Athabasca and Thompson Rivers are indeed convenient, my intention is to (eventually) pursue graduate studies in OT or Psychology. The relevant professional bodies are not, it seems, friendly to undergrad programmes involving significant online delivery.


Just want to add some information (current as of March 2012) for others with my intentions and situation (that is, GTA-based; existing BA in a non-psych discipline; lowish GPA; aiming for a second degree on a PT basis):


- Universities obviously have different policies around 2nd degrees. You may be classed as a 2nd degree or 'transfer' credit student.


- Queen's (which would class you as a 'transfer' student) does not accept 'transfers' to the Psychology programme.


- York may give you too many credits to achieve two 'good' years, depending. But - excellent support for mature/part-time students; high availability of evening classes; reasonable online offerings.


- Waterloo does not accept distance students (those who cannot attend at least some daytime classes) to their Psychology programme. 60% overall CGPA and 70% in psych required.


- Guelph requires a 70% CGPA minimum for 'external transfer' students. For 2nd degree applicants, they will only take 10 credits (two full-time years) worth of transfer credits (good). They also offer an honours year 'top-up' for those with a 3-year degree in the same subject, so long as residency requirements are met.


- Western requires a consistent B- average (all attempted courses).


- Ryerson's Psychology programme is only offered on a full-time basis.


- McMaster offers no online courses at all, but is working on it. Classes are offered evenings (7-10), but it seems the odds of taking labs/lectures on the same day is unlikely.


- As mentioned, U of T grades on a curve. Probably easy to get accepted, but possibly difficult to keep the GPA high.

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