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First semester GPA

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First semester's final form is shaping up and so far it looks like a 3.6ish GPA will be the result unless something horrible or spectacular happens. How bad of a start is that realistically?

Not horrible but you can definitely boost that up after second semester. Remember to be competitive you need to have a gpa of around 3.85 (I would assume). Some schools take your best 2 years, so first year in some cases isn't that important.

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Not horrible but you can definitely boost that up after second semester. Remember to be competitive you need to have a gpa of around 3.85 (I would assume). Some schools take your best 2 years, so first year in some cases isn't that important.



I figured if I get it to a 3.75 or so after first 2 semesters, I have a shot at medical. Two midterms are the difference between a 3.6 this semester and a 3.8. I still have a shot at the 3.8, but it'll take some spectacular results on finals (85+).

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Welcome to the real world of being an undergrad. In 1st year, I got 3.68/4.3 GPA and it was all uphill from there directly into med school. Of course, to achieve that I never worked so hard in my life......that is until I got to med school. :)




I looked at the OMSAS conversion chart and there isn't anything there relating to a 4.3 scale.

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He just means that his school uses a system with 4.3, like Manitoba. On the OMSAS, it probably is converted to a percentage first, then /4.0



That's another thing. Do they take the percent and convert that to an OMSAS number or the letter grade your school assigns? Could there be a possible difference between the two?

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That's another thing. Do they take the percent and convert that to an OMSAS number or the letter grade your school assigns? Could there be a possible difference between the two?


Yes there is a difference. At UofT, an 85% is a 4.0. But on the OMSAS, an 85% is a 3.9. They will take the percent, if both appear on the transcript, and convert that to an OMSAS GPA.

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