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UWO Dental interview date and time

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Mine is on April 15th 10:00AM. I really need to do the interview on April 14th and finish it before 2:30PM to fly back to Asia (When I come back, it is +2 days time difference). I asked the admission coordinator, and was told that manual override is only possible after April 6th 2012. Is there anyone who likes to switch with mine?

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I also was trying to change my interview to Saturday the 14th, and an opening has just appeared on their website! I just switched mine, and the 1pm slot is still showing as open. If anybody else needs it desperately I would suggest reserving the slot asap!

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Yea, I'm in a similar situation as some people here, if anyone has a spot on saturday and wouldn't mind swithching with my interview on sunday, would be greatly appreciated. I have to be back in Ottawa on sunday at noon for an exam that I've tried differing and still am but would make things a lot easier to just have my interview on saturday.


If anyones kind and interested send me an email: msavo023@uottawa.ca


Thanks guys and great forum!


P.S. all my choices for interviews were on the saturday and none got chosen...bad luck I guess!

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