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what do dental students do during summer?

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Pretty sure other schools are the same but we at u of a get 1.5 months mid July to end of aug.




Also you can work in a clinic but you cant touch patients... (unless they insure you which won't happen-even then I don't think you can...) my cousin just cleaned instruments at his aunts place

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Pretty sure other schools are the same but we at u of a get 1.5 months mid July to end of aug.




Also you can work in a clinic but you cant touch patients... (unless they insure you which won't happen-even then I don't think you can...) my cousin just cleaned instruments at his aunts place


i guess that beats doing dishes at the home

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Pretty sure other schools are the same but we at u of a get 1.5 months mid July to end of aug.




Also you can work in a clinic but you cant touch patients... (unless they insure you which won't happen-even then I don't think you can...) my cousin just cleaned instruments at his aunts place


wow really? and how long for winter break? 1.5 months seem too short :(

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At uoft we get about the same amount of time off after first year as we did in undergrad (mid May to end of August), summers will get shorter and shorter every year.


Some ppl are planning to study for the boards, some planning to get a job (research, retail, dental assistant), others planning to go traveling for a bit.

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At uoft we get about the same amount of time off after first year as we did in undergrad (mid May to end of August), summers will get shorter and shorter every year.


Some ppl are planning to study for the boards, some planning to get a job (research, retail, dental assistant), others planning to go traveling for a bit.


don't we have summers from mid-April till 2nd week of September in udergrad??

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At uoft we get about the same amount of time off after first year as we did in undergrad (mid May to end of August), summers will get shorter and shorter every year.


Some ppl are planning to study for the boards, some planning to get a job (research, retail, dental assistant), others planning to go traveling for a bit.


or...spend 3.5 months in fetal position, crying about resto marks

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