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Does your undergrad school matter?

Guest BCgirl

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I think I saw on the Delphi board last application cycle, someone had his/her admissions essay stolen on interview day! Some crazy people out there, you never can be too careful. But of course, ThugJaan's example of the anal retentive girl who asked everyone about their interview, that is just screwed up - I mean, telling someone about your own interview is after the fact, I think she was doing it for spite.


ThugJaan, unlike you I would take great pleasure on being on the other side of the interview. I wouldn't torture anyone (unless the applicant specifically asked for it), but it would be pretty darn fun.

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Guest ThugJaan

I think interviewing could be fun, but I just don't have the heart ot reject anyone. I think I would just end up vouching for everyone, so I don't think that I am the type of person they are looking for.

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I know my reason is pretty lame, but I'm allowed to be a bit paranoid, right ;)


Don't worry, I won't be one of the anal people who doesn't talk about interviews and stats, etc. If I met someone like that girl at your interview, it would be really annoying. Luckily there aren't any real "cut-throat premeds" in my classes.


Good luck on your exams everyone!! My last one is Friday!

Christmas is only about 2 weeks away! It's insane how fast time is going! :)


Totally off this topic, but thinking of exams -- how have you guys found the change from undergrad to med school?

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Guest ThugJaan



Well, exams in medical school, are, well, a lot different that those in udergrad.


For instance, our first part of the year focues on anatomy. You were given 60 bell-ringer type stations with 1 min 30 sec at each part to answer the questions. We also had an embryo exam that was all multiple choice, but quite hard.


Now, were are getting ready for our big exam on the 21st that is a 6week cumulative histology, biochemistry, pharmology, physiology, and respirology exam. It has an insane amount of detail to learn and is quite easily more material than I have ever learned at one time ever before.


Its not the material that makes it hard; its the volume of material.

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Guest strider2004

Exams are done! Woohoo! they sucked, but they're done! Yes, they are very different than undergrad. They don't necessarily want depth of knowledge, but they definitely want breadth.

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Hey BCgirl,


Having went through the exact same worries last year applying to schools, I thought I could alleviate some anxiety for you and answer your questions about whether coming from a small school matters.


First of all, I too attended a small school out east (King's College in Halifax - maybe you've heard of it, maybe not.) It's pretty much as small as schools get (roughly 800 students) and not everyone has heard of it. I was really worried about that while applying last year. . .


Fact is, it didn't matter enough to keep me out of med school - I'm now in the first year class at UWO. We've also got students here from St. FX, MSVU and Mt. A - so students from smaller east coast Universities can certainly get into Western. So where you did your undergrad doesn't really matter for acceptance. . .


EXCEPT - the schools you are applying to might not know about your school or specific programs it offers. That happened to me last year and almost cost me my acceptance to Western. Western requires a minimum of 2.0 credits in non-science subjects. Well, I took a program at King's called the "Foundation Year Programme" (FYP). It consists of reading Plato, Dante, Shakespeare and then writing essays and completing oral exams. Unfortunately Western, not knowing anything about FYP, initially evaluated it, and a History of Science course I took, as science credits - meaning I might have been below the 2.0 credit limit! Fortunately a quick letter from the King's registrar's office cleared things up.


So - you shouldn't have any problem at all, but you might have to answer some questions about your school and its programs in your interview, and if you've done a program like FYP, you might want to check with the Admissions committee(s) at the schools you are applying to to ensure everything is in order. Good Luck and have a good year in NS - I miss that province dearly.

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