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free time for dental students?

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D school is not for the faint of heart. Thats for sure. Hope you got all the partying out of your system during undergrad because its all business and hard work from here on in. Case in point gross anatomy, systems pathology, infectious diseases etc.. Makes any undergrad bio course look like a walk in te park :)

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Some people have more free time than others. It depends on how well you absorb and study things. One of my classmates was notorious for skipping school, but he had a photographic memory and bank on it. He would never show up to the anatomy lab, but just one day one week before the exam and still ace it.


Hey guys, so just out of curiosity, if you are in dent school, do you have some free time to watch a movie, go to gym, etc? Some ppl are saying they spend like 14+ hours a day studying and it kind of scares me to go to dent school if i get in!
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Hey guys, so just out of curiosity, if you are in dent school, do you have some free time to watch a movie, go to gym, etc? Some ppl are saying they spend like 14+ hours a day studying and it kind of scares me to go to dent school if i get in!


What is this "free time" concept?

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I find I have more free time lately, usually between exams.


I'll go a week or so with absolutely 0 free time, and then have quite a bit of free time the next week. So, it's a toss up. I'm definitely busier than undergrad but I'm not working anymore, so it's not too bad.


Then again, it only gets worse after first year, so I can't speak for what will come in the future ;)



Nobody has a photographic memory though. Some people have good memories, but the photographic memory thing is a myth. Yeah, I skipped almost all of my gross anatomy labs too and aced the lab final. Must have been my...photographic memory, because you know, I definitely didn't spend like 8 hours a day going over the lab + course material in my own time a couple days prior to the exam...*cough* (once we got to the cranial nerve labs, I got really bored in lab. What can I say, I went to the library to study for other exams instead. lol)

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