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Do they really ignore majors?

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I know it says on the admission websites that majors aren't very important in admissions to UBC medical school, but does anyone know if they also ignore it post-interview as well?


I have several pharmacists in the family, they said a lot of positive things about this profession, so I was successfully swayed into applying to UBC pharmacy. At some point, after I began working in a hospital, I became interested in medicine. I was told by several doctors, med school friends, random people that the admission committee will likely look favorably upon pharmacy grads, as we have learned a lot of the pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics skills that are important in medicine as well. Well, guess what, I looked at the website when I was applying only to discover that THIS IS APPARENTLY NOT TRUE.


I have a 85% average in pharmacy, and that DOES NOT equal a 85% in .....biology. (FYI, I was in biology before going into pharmacy). First of all, I had to take 10 courses at one point in pharmacy, and quit some of my jobs & volunteering positions to keep up my grades in school. Not only did my grades suffer, my NAQ probably went down too. I'd be a little pissed if the difficulty of my program is not taken into consideration at all.


Sorry this question turned into a bit of a rant. This waiting game is a real killer.

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I know it says on the admission websites that majors aren't very important in admissions to UBC medical school, but does anyone know if they also ignore it post-interview as well?


I have several pharmacists in the family, they said a lot of positive things about this profession, so I was successfully swayed into applying to UBC pharmacy. At some point, after I began working in a hospital, I became interested in medicine. I was told by several doctors, med school friends, random people that the admission committee will likely look favorably upon pharmacy grads, as we have learned a lot of the pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics skills that are important in medicine as well. Well, guess what, I looked at the website when I was applying only to discover that THIS IS APPARENTLY NOT TRUE.


I have a 85% average in pharmacy, and that DOES NOT equal a 85% in .....biology. (FYI, I was in biology before going into pharmacy). First of all, I had to take 10 courses at one point in pharmacy, and quit some of my jobs & volunteering positions to keep up my grades in school. Not only did my grades suffer, my NAQ probably went down too. I'd be a little pissed if the difficulty of my program is not taken into consideration at all.


Sorry this question turned into a bit of a rant. This waiting game is a real killer.


I'm in a similar situation as you...except I'm currently in UBC Pharmacy. Taking 10 courses pretty much describes my course load for each semester this year haha.


I'm surprised that people told you the adcom looks favourably on Pharmacy grads...I've heard the opposite being true (i.e. why are you suddenly switching professions? you "took" a spot away from somebody else in pharmacy, etc.).


I have no clue how UBC screens AQ (I guess other than calculating your GPA)...but I do know last year that 5-6 pharmacy students did get into medicine for the class of 2015.

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