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how to gain IP status?

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i understand the GPA cutoffs are slightly different for out of ottawa in province (3.85) and out of province (3.87).


i may just slightly miss the cutoffs, and i am currently out of province.


i wanted to ask how do you gain IP status, any specific requirements? what sort of proof needs to be provided?



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They don't have a requirement like Calgary where you have to live there for one year and get IP status. No one really knows but some people who had lived in Ottawa for several years or did their undergrad there didn't even get Ottawa status. I wouldn't bank on it as on option since most of your activities on your ABS would have to be in the Ottawa area.


"The autobiographical sketch and the permanent address listed on the application form will be used to determine the geographical status of the applicants."

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so simply residing in the province of ontario, specifically in toronto prior to applications would not be sufficient? seeing as how the permanent address component would be in province. both requirements of ABS and the address would have to be fulfilled?

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i understand the GPA cutoffs are slightly different for out of ottawa in province (3.85) and out of province (3.87).


i may just slightly miss the cutoffs, and i am currently out of province.


i wanted to ask how do you gain IP status, any specific requirements? what sort of proof needs to be provided?




from what i understand, you have to have gone to high school in Ottawa and have completed a significant number of your ABS activities in the Ottawa area to be considered an Ottawa area applicant.

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from what i understand, you have to have gone to high school in Ottawa and have completed a significant number of your ABS activities in the Ottawa area to be considered an Ottawa area applicant.


thanks for the reply. if it makes any difference, i was actually wondering about in province, outside of the ottawa area. as i believe the wGPA of 3.85 is for those outside of ottawa but considered as in province for ontario. whereas the wGPA is much lower for those in the ottawa area.

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I would imagine it is the same process. Combination of permanent address and sketch. I already posted this before... its straight from the website. "The autobiographical sketch and the permanent address listed on the application form will be used to determine the geographical status of the applicants."

I would doubt living in Toronto in the year of application would be sufficient.

You should email admissions. But don't expect a prompt reply as the admissions office is probably overwhelmed with acceptances/waitlist offers.

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from what i understand, you have to have gone to high school in Ottawa and have completed a significant number of your ABS activities in the Ottawa area to be considered an Ottawa area applicant.


That is interesting. I did high school (and much of elementary school) in Ottawa, and many of my ABS activities will be from my time there. I left right before I turned 21, in 2008. Wonder if they'd count me as Ottawa-area. McMaster apparently would count me as IP, based on their website.

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