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How'd it go?!

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I feel satisfied. There was definitely room for improvement on every station and I pretty much bombed one of them but I feel that I couldn't have done any better than I did in the time allocated so I'm happy with it overall.


The students were super nice! It was a very friendly environment.

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i heard some people say that they had interviewers who gave some verbal feedback (encouraging), and said good luck, interesting point, good point etc., is this true for most people?


Yup! Most interviewers were very nice and encouraging with head nods and some stations were more of a discussion than an interview. Most interviewers wished me good luck as I was leaving the station as well =)

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Yup! Most interviewers were very nice and encouraging with head nods and some stations were more of a discussion than an interview. Most interviewers wished me good luck as I was leaving the station as well =)


Based on what I heard from the other interviewees on my circuit, I don't think this was a trend across the board. On my circuit, most of the interviewers remained very stoic the entire time, interjecting only when there was a lull - to ask another question.

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one of my interviewees actually interrupted me to tell me they wanted to hear an aspect of the prompt that I hadn't addressed yet. I was taking my time to get to it and I was definetely going to address it in length, but I wanted to be thorough, etc. I told him this too.. hopefully this doesn't impair my score..


a few were very stone-faced but more were very engaging- nodding, even verbally agreeing with me suggesting their own points. interesting.

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My circuit was pretty good in terms of the assessors...except for one. She was pretty stone-faced, didn't keep any eye contact, it was like you were talking to a wall. Other people in my circuit felt the exact same way about her so I'm glad it wasn't just me!


May 15 can't come soon enough!

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I felt supremely confident during and right after my interview, but as soon as I got home I started having major second thoughts...


-Maybe I didn't show enough sides!

-Maybe I was TOO confident!



I usually don't have these feelings post interview but I guess this one is a big one.


Question for you guys: how important do you think it is to show BOTH sides of an argument, if its a kind of obvious one and you absolutely know the correct answer? I feel like I did this a couple times. Is this a dealbreaker?

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My answers were seldom that formulaic. I think it might have been better to have formulated the answers like that (show both sides, take a side and defend it), but on the other hand I think it sounds more natural if you just share your thoughts as they come sometimes. But frankly I do wonder the same thing.



2011-2012 Application Cycle


Applied: McMaster

Interview: McMaster

Accepted: ________

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Guilty.. It just seemed to work for me :) I guess we're sort of in the same boat.


I see what you're saying, that definitely seems wise. Anyways now the question is how to stop thinking about it, and get on with my life until May 15.



2011-2012 Application Cycle


Applied: McMaster

Interview: McMaster

Accepted: ________

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I feel a bit empty I guess. Spending 3+ years on GPA, 4+ months on MCAT, 4+ years on ECs, 1 month on application and then 70% of my admission is what 10 strangers thought of me after I spoke to (or at) them for 8 minutes...


Yea I feel the same. It's the one reason I'm disappointed this cycle- the only school that interviewed me doesn't look at my ABS....but I'm grateful for the interview.

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