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Do adcom value an upward trend?

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So briefly,


my first two years are quite horrible , as first year is probably 2.00~, and my second year is probably at 3 (wosrt case assuming, I get a 0 for the exams for a 1 full year course). I know what to fix in my study habits, etc ( I finally got some As and A+, unlike my first year -_-!). But I am just wondering even if I did really well in my 3rd and fourth year. Would adcom notice? I am pretty sure, a fifth year might be a possibility for me ( to improve my GPA). So what do you guys think?

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Do a little research on the different schools and how they look at GPA in their admissions


Ottawa takes most recent year x3 + second most recent year x2 + third most recent year x1, so definitely an upward trend/doing well in later years is valued. Western looks at best two, so improving your GPA is still possible despite your bad first year.


Other schools have different policies.


Overall, yes try to do better in your later years.

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So briefly,


my first two years are quite horrible , as first year is probably 2.00~, and my second year is probably at 3 (wosrt case assuming, I get a 0 for the exams for a 1 full year course). I know what to fix in my study habits, etc ( I finally got some As and A+, unlike my first year -_-!). But I am just wondering even if I did really well in my 3rd and fourth year. Would adcom notice? I am pretty sure, a fifth year might be a possibility for me ( to improve my GPA). So what do you guys think?


I know the American medical schools will notice- make sure you try to apply as many places as possible (Canada & America). W/E you do, don't fall for Carribean route- they are just for your money

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So briefly,


my first two years are quite horrible , as first year is probably 2.00~, and my second year is probably at 3 (wosrt case assuming, I get a 0 for the exams for a 1 full year course). I know what to fix in my study habits, etc ( I finally got some As and A+, unlike my first year -_-!). But I am just wondering even if I did really well in my 3rd and fourth year. Would adcom notice? I am pretty sure, a fifth year might be a possibility for me ( to improve my GPA). So what do you guys think?


Good for you that you are not living in Quebec...

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