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post-interview: reserve waitlist vs. rejected

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I think I answered my own question from some research and asking around ...


On their website it states:


May 15, 2012


•Provisional Offers of Admission will be sent to successful applicants (via e-mail & postal mail).

•Notices will be sent to waitlisted applicants (via e-mail & post mail)

•Notices will be sent to applicants not receiving an offer of admission (via e-mail & postal mail).


This suggests that there are three categories; 1) offered admission, 2) waitlisted, and 3) rejected.


From someone in the know, a very reliable source, I was told that in the final selection process, once the interviews have been completed and final admission scores have been calculated, a list of the top 140-150 ranked applicants and their files are sent to the Admissions Selection Committee. These are reviewed by the committee and looked through with a fine tooth comb. From here recommendations for place in the class or place on the waitlist are made.


So I believe that ~250-260 people receive rejections, while 64 receive admissions on May 15th, the remainder (76-86) are given wait list notices.


From historical data it would seem that the first 64 are good with their admission offers if they want it and usually 15-26 people get off the waiting list.


I hope that helps. Anyone else can pipe in if they have alternate information or data.



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there is a 4th category: reserve waitlist. it exists. i've been on it. i have no idea what it means though.


They must divide the wait list of 76-86 people into an immediate and reserve wait list in some way.


Although it is nice to have all of these micro-categorizations really all that matters is admission or being really low (0-15) on the 'real' waiting list. All the rest is just interesting conversation until you get to apply again.

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#24 --> onwards towards flat out rejection :mad: (the stress of thinking about it until that final "no" gets sent out)


Well I was 29th on the waitlist last year (ended up 3rd when all was said and done). I didn't stress about it too much. I received the email stating that I was on the ranked waitlist Thursday morning (the 5th of May). The following day I found out my position on the waitlist. The next day I packed all of my stuff back up (which I had just moved into my parent's house a couple days before) and the day after that (Sunday) I made the 5 hour drive back to university so on Monday morning I could register in summer school courses (they started that day). I spent a couple minutes a day on this site looking for any updates, and obviously thought about my chances and "what if such and such happens", but otherwise it rarely entered my mind. I think if people keep themselves busy they will be fine - and I loved knowing where I was on the waitlist as it gave me strong incentive to improve for this year.

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thanks for posting that Wayward son..i guess it did give you something tangible to work from for this year. so, using early morning math skills, there were 26 other spots offered after the original 64 last year? that is more than i thought....


here is hoping you get in this year!

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Looking through past acceptance/rejection threads, last year the list moved 26 spots and the year before it was more like 17 (as far as I can deduce from this forum).


Unfortunately, a ton of posts from the acceptance/rejection thread were removed last year (because they didn't follow the standard premed101 format, although I think that because NOSM tells people where they are on the waitlist it results in a unique thread where different information is desired and things like the MCAT are useless). That included a lot of really good information including a post by me of how far the wait-list went each year in NOSM's existence. Last year it went 26 spots - the farthest it had ever gone. I can't say for sure, but my recollection is that some years it only went 15 - 17 spots. The average was around 19 or 20. (I will see if I can find if I wrote down the numbers somewhere....)

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I have some historical information from a database on number of people offered admission versus number of spots in the entering class. This does NOT however state how much movement occurred on the waiting list directly because people may have taken themselves off of the waitinglist if they had acceptances at other schools. Hence the waiting list moved AT LEAST the number of acceptances sent minus the number of seats available.


'05-'06- 77 acceptances sent, 56 admitted, >= 21 off of the waiting list.

'06-'07- 71 acceptances sent, 56 admitted, >= 15 off of the waiting list.

'07-'08- 72 acceptances sent, 56 admitted, >= 16 off of the waitling list.

'08-'09 - 72 acceptances sent, 56 admitted, >=16 off of the waiting list.

'09-'10 - 75 acceptances sent, 56 admitted, >=19 off of the waiting list.

'10-'11 - 79 acceptances sent, 64 admitted, >=15 off of the waiting list.


Again, the number of acceptances -admitted doesnt necessarily equal waitlist movement, it is the min. movement that year but does not include people that took themselves off of the wait list due to whatever circumstances, to allow it to move up further.


So it is fair to say if you are 15th on the waiting list you are almost guaranteed to be ok but somewhat higher is fine to when considering some people may be accepted elsewhere but only waitlisted at NOSM so they remove themselves and you get to go up the ladder.


Wayward: If you have your information re: actual waitlist movement it would be interesting to match it to the information that I have and see how many people remove themselves from the waiting list. I do not have last years ('11-'12) information available.



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I remember 2 years ago the wait list only moved to #19. I was ranked #23 and finished 4th when all was said and done. I had my hopes up because the wait list had seemed to move more than that in past years, but my luck ran out. It's great that NOSM tells you were you stand, but that summer was still a roller coaster of emotions!


Good luck everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember 2 years ago the wait list only moved to #19. I was ranked #23 and finished 4th when all was said and done. I had my hopes up because the wait list had seemed to move more than that in past years, but my luck ran out. It's great that NOSM tells you were you stand, but that summer was still a roller coaster of emotions!


Good luck everyone.


What have you been doing in the mean time?

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I took a year off after graduating and worked in a lab as a research assistant. Contemplated the masters option, but then decided a compressed nursing program was the better option; I'm in year one of two now. If NOSM never lets me in then nurse practitioner is Plan B. Let's hope third time is the charm? :confused:

Last year, after the interview I was flat out rejected. Further investigation (talking with admin) revealed it was the GPA that held me back bc last years applicant pool had a higher than usual GPA. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure my GPA in my current program will never be used. Tough decisions when choosing what to do in the meantime. I didn't want to finish another 2 years of school and end up in a field I don't want to work in (research), but I've also sacrificed improving my GPA :confused:


Lol and there's all my current thoughts! Unsure about all the decisions I've made! haha You probably got more than you asked for ;)

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I am always interested in hearing how other applicants have used their time inbetween applications and how they have worked on their back up plan(s). Each person has such a unique narrative to tell that it is enjoyable and often inspiring to hear. I too am one of those people who is not taking a direct route to medicine and have tried to make myself productive in the interim. Good luck to you!

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  • 1 month later...


have been wait listed 4 at NOSM, wondring what are the chances of getting offer.




You are virtually in. There was a guy yesterday that received an acceptance but will be going elsewhere so that is already movement up one once he declines ... and there will be others. Congratulations.

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