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Entering UBC Med school after being out of school for 6 years?

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Hi everyone,


I just joined this forum and already gained a lot of info from your experiences and discussions.


My question is whether you think I have any chances to enter UBC (only) med school or not?


I am 29 yrs old with Bachelor of Arts from AUD (American University in Dubai), graduated in 2006 with a GPA of 3.67/4. Now I am a BC resident and have 3 babies under 4 years old. In the past 6 years, I have worked part time and as volunteers and set up my own small business (all arts and graphics related), but mostly I was taking care of my pregnancies and babies. I have contacted UBC and they said I need to study 1.5 to 2 years of some science courses before I can even "apply"; which makes sense since I didn't take much science courses during my studies.


Make the long story short, I am ready to commit and study hard, but I don't want to leave my kids in daycare for two years to study these science courses and then realize "because" I have a BA degree from a foreign university I would not get accepted (or have VERY slim chances of getting accepted).


What do you think?


I would truly appreciate your input.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi everyone,


I just joined this forum and already gained a lot of info from your experiences and discussions.


My question is whether you think I have any chances to enter UBC (only) med school or not?


I am 29 yrs old with Bachelor of Arts from AUD (American University in Dubai), graduated in 2006 with a GPA of 3.67/4. Now I am a BC resident and have 3 babies under 4 years old. In the past 6 years, I have worked part time and as volunteers and set up my own small business (all arts and graphics related), but mostly I was taking care of my pregnancies and babies. I have contacted UBC and they said I need to study 1.5 to 2 years of some science courses before I can even "apply"; which makes sense since I didn't take much science courses during my studies.


Make the long story short, I am ready to commit and study hard, but I don't want to leave my kids in daycare for two years to study these science courses and then realize "because" I have a BA degree from a foreign university I would not get accepted (or have VERY slim chances of getting accepted).


What do you think?


I would truly appreciate your input.


Thanks in advance.



I am not very experienced in advising but you gotta make sure you complete prerequisite courses [link below] from whichever university you want: http://mdprogram.med.ubc.ca/admissions/admission-requirements/

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don't forget you will also need to spend a tremendous amounts of volunteer work as well to get an interview, so you will also be away from your kids during those times. If you're wealthy enough to be able to hire a baby sitter and not work then you have a good chance of getting an interview. Most of us who got an interview have 4-6 different long term (4-5 years) volunteering positions. When I say most of us, I do mean the 8 people from my school club who got an interview, so I'm not sure if that sample size is good enough to make a generalization. I have to say your situation is so much tougher than mine as you have to not only raise them right but you have to feed the little guys too. Good luck man.

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Agreed... It is not just studying committment but also extensive extracurricular including volunteering. The other question is whether UBC (just UBC itself, not med school) will grant you acceptance first before you can study the pre-req science course, based on your previous foreign BA degree. Alternative is open university courses.

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