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Courses below year level

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I will be going into my 3rd year this fall. I've heard about this 3/5 rule for some universities, but the problem for me is that my biochemistry program has very few 3rd and 4th year courses (7 courses in total, only 3 are 3xx classes). Of the 3rd year courses offered in the fall, I can only take one of them, since I have schedule conflicts or missing prerequisites for the other ones. Furthermore, in order to complete my minor, I have to take another 100 level prerequisite.


Which schools would this cause problems for?

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UWO, and they are very strict about the 3/5 rule. If you do not follow the 3/5 rule, they will not look at your application. I don't know what university you attend, but I would suggest taking something else (a minor perhaps) to follow the 3/5 rule so that you remain eligible for UWO.

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Western only looks at your two best years that follow that 3/5 rule. If your first two years had a good GPA then it won't matter if your 3rd and 4th years don't follow the 3/5, they'll just look at your first two.


UofT has in their information they expect a logical progression towards upper year courses, but I don't think they have a hard rule about how many courses need to be at the 300 and 400 level. I would expect other schools would have similar expectations, but I think only Western explicitly states that rule.


Do you have a lot of electives available in your program? Make sure those are at a higher level if you want your upper years to be looked at by Western.

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Thanks for the replies everyone.


Excluding Western, are there any other Canadian schools that put a lot of emphasis on the 3/5 rule? Especially schools in Western Canada?


I don't have many electives left, especially if I pursue an honours degree. My minor will be in political science or computer science, but I haven't completed the necessary prereqs to take 3rd year courses in either field. Biochem, poli sci and comp sci basically don't have any classes in the summer (except 100-level and 900-level), so I can't even take any prereqs in the summer.


It doesn't seem like I can do much to fix the problem, so hopefully UWO is the only school I'll have to scratch off my list.

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