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UBC Dentistry

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Do you guys think it is possible to get into UBC dentistry with a 81% overall average? (the worst year taken out)

Is this roughly GPA 3.7?


I'm in-province by the way.



I do think it is possible to get with an 81% average however the other aspects of your application (DAT, interview, letters, essay) must be top notch. Having said that if it were me I would really try to raise the GPA since doing so will increase the chances greatly.


Hope this helps!

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  • 1 year later...

Just to mention that UBC does not require letter of reference or personal essay anymore.


They do ask to write a few paragraphs about extracurricular activities or what made you pursue dentistry, but I doubt that these will affect a lot on giving interview invites.


GPA and DAT scores are what matter the most.


You should check out the yearly stats of accepted applicants on the UBC DMD website.

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Do you guys think it is possible to get into UBC dentistry with a 81% overall average? (the worst year taken out)

Is this roughly GPA 3.7?


I'm in-province by the way.



Short answer: yes. My friend got in with under 81 last year, and I got in with 82 this year. Just make sure you work hard to do very well on the DAT.

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Also, do we know if UBC dent have a rolling admission for waitlisted applicants?


You never know really...they would never expose those details! :P


But if I could guess, I would guess that they do not have rolling admissions. I feel like they tend to wait til a few people drop in May/June, then in Aug if more people drop they will add more people then. This is just an assumption

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I always assumed that they had rolling admission for the wait-listed....i don't see why they wouldn't.....it seems a little bit risky for them to wait....they want to fill those seats as soon as possible.....it doesn't really matter though, if its your seat, it will be your seat regardless or whether it is rolling or not! Anybody who is on the waitlist, do as much as possible to strengthen your application for the upcoming cycle!!! :) good luck

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You are right, but you always want to show that you have improved since the last time you applied....looks good on the application! I also think the "struggle" helps you grow so that you become a stronger applicant, interview wise! :) also, you can prep for the interview more since it seems that if you were wait-listed, this may have been a weaker area for you! Experiences really help you to be more confident and also knowledgeable for the interview....hope this helps! Hang in there....i was waitlisted last year and i was accepted this year! I know how much it sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Work hard and you will be rewarded!!! Also, next year might be more or less competitive, so if you are a borderline applicant in terms of getting an interview, you want to be rewriting your DAT and boosting the old GPA! Goood luck

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To be honest i don't know...there isn't much discussion on the fb page about anything and i haven't actually met any of my classmates yet....except the ones I already knew! I hear that every year 5 or 6 people get in off the waitlist....since they over-accept (not sure, but it is rumoured), you can expect movement in June or later....they even accept up until the first day...sadly, i still had hope till the very last day when I was on the waitlist and it was painful...Honestly, if you are waitlisted, don't count on anything! They waitlist a lot of people and accept very few of them....the waitlist means almost nothing!! Im really sorry if this sounds harsh...but I think it is better to accept the reality of it and to work on strengthening your application than to waste a summer in "hope"! If you do happen to get that lucky call, then amazing...but dont kill yourself waiting for it! Fortunately I did not waste my summer in hope, and although I had hope, I was still working hard to strengthen my application!

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