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i think anyone that is added to the fb group between now and sept is probably someone that got in off the WL. so far the people in the group are people who got in at the end of feb, and upper years. keep checking guys and don't waste your summer doing nothing - think about how you can improve your application! :)

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so basically

no one who got waitlisted got off of it?

omg that is not good news


There are 54 people registered right now and the class size is about 52-55ish, so unfortunately I think any WL movement is minimal. I would just focus on preparing for next year or going to your backup choices. Honestly there are some other good schools out there as well.

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its on their website


The website is right and wrong. I think the number they post (47-48) is the number of students accepted for that year, but every year there are a few students who have to repeat years, bringing the class size up to 52-55. They also try to even out the numbers between upper years and lower years because they pair up at some point for clinic. Heard this from several students in ubc dent!

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