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In my first answer to the "tell me about yourself" question, I said my name (which has a pretty unusual last name) and then said "and yes, I am related to Dr. ___(my last name)___ who use to work here, he's my cousin", because throughout the whole day everyone I met asked me whether I was related to him. Now I'm freaking out that they maybe thought I was trying to use him as a connection or something! I didn't mention him again, and I honestly didn't think about it before I said it, I had just got asked that question so many times that day it kind of slipped out. What do you guys think? Do you think it makes me sound cocky or like I'm trying to use him?! I so regret saying it!

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Sorry for the probably somewhat unhelpful comment coming up:


Nothing you can do about it! I probably wouldn't have mentioned that, but I get why it popped out of your mouth. I hope that as long as you didn't keep mentioning it and why it would make you a good doctor (it's in my blood! or something equally as tacky :)) they'll just chalk it up to first question jitters.


Try to put it out of your mind. Every time I think about one of my MMI stations, I come up with something else I could have said or how I could have stated my point more clearly. You'll drive yourself crazy by harping on it. Just know that you're not going to make that same mistake next time (hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is...).

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Agreed, not the best introductory sentence but nothing you can do about it now. However you will never know what another person is thinking after you say something unless they tell you the truth however in an interview setting they are not going to tell you what they thought of that comment;


i.e. "Well thats impressive", "So what if he is your cousin.", "Since there is a physician in the family you must be better aware of what it takes", etc.


Best to just forget about it as mentioned. I am sure if the rest of what you said portrayed you in a positive light and they got to know you a bit better an opening like that is quickly forgotten.


Good luck.



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Thanks guys! I know that the question wasn't marked at the school I was interviewing at, so at least that's good. I just didn't want them to think that I was trying to name drop. I did say after it that I had gotten asked a few times, so hopefully they understood why it popped out. I definitely had no intention of bringing it up and I think the combination of nerves and the fact that I had answered it so many times that day just really made it slip out. Never again lol. And no I didn't mention it again after that, and I do feel like I answered the rest of the questions fairly well (although now I am thinking of things I could have added :o ), so hopefully they just didn't get the wrong impression of me from it.

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