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First round matching at Mac this year

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When I interviewed this past weekend, someone mentioned offhandedly that something like 20+ Mac students went unmatched in 1st round. I don't recall it ever being addressed by the hosts, so I was wondering if anyone has any more info on what happened, what residencies these students had applied to or anything else that stood out?

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I also heard this from a current student. As far as she knew, many of them were people applying to competitive specialties such as plastic surgery who would rather go unmatched and apply again next year than apply to family medicine as backup.


I actually thought that the hosts' presentation either used outdated numbers or got their numbers mixed up. They claimed McMaster had above average match rates with 97% of McMaster students matching vs. a Canada average of 90% matching. However, it seems that actually about 90% of Mac students matched with a Canada average of 97%.


P.S.: Just keep in mind when you read this that this is all hearsay.

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I also heard this from a current student. As far as she knew, many of them were people applying to competitive specialties such as plastic surgery who would rather go unmatched and apply again next year than apply to family medicine as backup.


I actually thought that the hosts' presentation either used outdated numbers or got their numbers mixed up. They claimed McMaster had above average match rates with 97% of McMaster students matching vs. a Canada average of 90% matching. However, it seems that actually about 90% of Mac students matched with a Canada average of 97%.


P.S.: Just keep in mind when you read this that this is all hearsay.


My host said that historically Mac has been on par with Canadian avg or higher, except for this last match.

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But I think Mac has been on par historically because many of the students matched to family med as opposed to the more competitive programs. There's a good thread in the CaRMS folder where people discuss reasons for the high number of applicants gone unmatched (i.e. different pool of students at Mac med nowadays (younger) as opposed to previous years, which may explain why there's an increased interest in more competitive programs). At the end of the day I don't think it makes a difference. Med school would be what you make of it. There's people from Mac who matched to plastics, derm, etc. which are thought to be extremely competitive.

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But I think Mac has been on par historically because many of the students matched to family med as opposed to the more competitive programs. There's a good thread in the CaRMS folder where people discuss reasons for the high number of applicants gone unmatched (i.e. different pool of students at Mac med nowadays (younger) as opposed to previous years, which may explain why there's an increased interest in more competitive programs). At the end of the day I don't think it makes a difference. Med school would be what you make of it. There's people from Mac who matched to plastics, derm, etc. which are thought to be extremely competitive.


That is the general logic that has been sent around and on the face of it it seems to make some sense. Mac has had in the past much higher match rates in family than other schools but only recent has there been a bit of a shift. Some sort of initial difficulties would be expected I guess in such a case - what it won't tell as well is how the school well much in competitive specialties four years from now have things have settled.


In Mac in particular if you want something competitive you have to start working on it early. It can be done but you have to be organized to max your chances :)

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