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Preinterview Scores - U of C said April 1st?

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can anyone clarify the scores for me. on first half of the first page it says general statistics for everyone who applied. then on the bottom half it shows mcat and gpa as well as MMI scores. because it shows the MMI scores i'm assuming these are the averages for those who were invited and subsequently participated in the interview corect?

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can anyone clarify the scores for me. on first half of the first page it says general statistics for everyone who applied. then on the bottom half it shows mcat and gpa as well as MMI scores. because it shows the MMI scores i'm assuming these are the averages for those who were invited and subsequently participated in the interview corect?


I would think so. I just looked at the Reference Stats for 2010/2011 and it looks like the mean MMI score of all applicants (those interviewed) was 32.6 while the mean MMI score for successful applicants was 35.7

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can anyone clarify the scores for me. on first half of the first page it says general statistics for everyone who applied. then on the bottom half it shows mcat and gpa as well as MMI scores. because it shows the MMI scores i'm assuming these are the averages for those who were invited and subsequently participated in the interview corect?


I think that "all applicants" means everyone that applied... obviously the MMI score can only be from those interviewed.


My reasoning:


IP MCAT PS mean=9.86 n=978 (all IM applicants)

OOP MCAT PS mean=10.67 n=750 (all OOP applicants)


The weighted average works out to 10.2, which is the value in the 1st page table. They did not interview all 1728 applicants, so it seems like the values are from "all applicants," with the MMI being from those interviewed.

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I would think so. I just looked at the Reference Stats for 2010/2011 and it looks like the mean MMI score of all applicants (those interviewed) was 32.6 while the mean MMI score for successful applicants was 35.7


actually, i think it's infact the averages of all applicants as i look at the graphs you can see how that makes sense. so to answer my question it's not the stats for those invited to an interview. this then makes it weird how they would include the MMi scores, but not the stats of thsoe actually invited for an MMI, as seperate from all applicants. if that's the case these stats alone are a bit pointless, as they don't really say what a competitive applicant is but rather how one measures to everyone in the applicant pool, which would have a greater SD

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^ well i beleive there's a subjective assessment component on ECs so if that's the case it would be difficult to determine your pre-mmi score.


I did not follow that at all. The MMI scores are obviously only for interviewed applicants, as the remaining applicants did not receive an interview and therefore cannot have an MMI score. Yes, the other stats on that page are for the entire applicant pool.


sorry just some confusion i had, then i tried to answer my own question. anyways, what i tried to say is better conveyed in your post.

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What's with the histogram on the 2nd last page of the document?


It's N = 203 (which I think means the OOP who received interview).

But why is there a few OOP with super low pre-MMI scores? 80-90?


I think that 203 received full file reviews... those who scored above 325 on the third last page went to full file review, with those marks being on the second last page... and those who scored above 105 on the second last page were interviewed.

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Does anybody know how to calculate our score if you were rejected pre-interview?


I thought you had to find how many standard deviations you were away from the mean and add/subtract that from 200 for GPA and 100 for Verbal...and then add together. But obviously I'm doing something wrong...


Can someone correct my process? Example:

avg GPA= 100 SD 10, your GPA is 110...so you have a score of 200+(2*15)

avg Verbal=10 SD 1, your GPA is 11...so you have a score of 100+(15)


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Does anybody know how to calculate our score if you were rejected pre-interview?


I thought you had to find how many standard deviations you were away from the mean and add/subtract that from 200 for GPA and 100 for Verbal...and then add together. But obviously I'm doing something wrong...


Can someone correct my process? Example:

avg GPA= 100 SD 10, your GPA is 110...so you have a score of 200+(2*15)

avg Verbal=10 SD 1, your GPA is 11...so you have a score of 100+(15)



Whooops, duh. I think there's a part of the help guide that deals with that? :o


The application manual only says 2xGPA+MCAT(VR). But there's something wrong with my process above and I'm wondering if anybody knows how to calculate it properly

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