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TERRRIBLE video...

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When I was there, I found the student presenters (or, well, one of them at least) to be extremely condescending, and even rude. I feel they did a good job selling the school when I was interviewing there, and that it would be an amazing school to attend - but this opinion was certainly not formed as a result of the students I met.


I actually had the exact same impression. I thought most of the students there (including my circuit hosts) were really great, humble and totally awesome. One of the presenters however was seemingly arrogant :(

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I actually had the exact same impression. I thought most of the students there (including my circuit hosts) were really great, humble and totally awesome. One of the presenters however was nauseatingly arrogant :(


One bad speaker? Again hard to judge an entire school on one person - who may have even be having an off day. Not that is the sort of thing you want to listen through regardless on interview time :)

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I'm curious ... what day did you interview?


The 1st Sunday. I think it was the 25th?? I was just so disappointed that the 2014 class would choose someone like that as their representative :( Of course I'm not basing my entire impression of the school on one person but still, these things matter

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I was stuffing my face with cold cuts and broccoli during the video presentation.


At least you got cold cuts! All they gave me were grapes.


I also had to use the bathroom really bad throughout that entire presentation. If you saw someone using football tactics the second the video ended to get out the doors - that would be me.

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At least you got cold cuts! All they gave me were grapes.


I also had to use the bathroom really bad throughout that entire presentation. If you saw someone using football tactics the second the video ended to get out the doors - that would be me.


That is too funny - that was exactly me!

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That is too funny - that was exactly me!


were we not supposed to leave? I went to the washroom when the video started and tried to sneak back in.


But seriously. The video may not have been for everyone, but can anyone argue with that LUNCH PLATTER? It was definitely one of the best

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were we not supposed to leave? I went to the washroom when the video started and tried to sneak back in.


But seriously. The video may not have been for everyone, but can anyone argue with that LUNCH PLATTER? It was definitely one of the best


Agreed. Dat free food... =)

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Why is everyone always hating on McMaster? I am so grateful that I even got a chance to interview with them. They are definitely a little avant-garde (that's a nice way to put it!)


McMaster is my first medical school interview ever and I enjoyed their admissions video. Then again, others may argue that I don't know any better... sometimes ignorance is bliss!


I can understand and appreciate Rext's comments regarding one of the presenters (I interviewed the same day). Perhaps I kind of ignored it because I was so happy to just be there and because I've seen a lot worse at bigger-town schools. I feel like McMaster is famous for the McMaster personality - friendly, thoughtful, compassionate and approachable (among other things).

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Why is everyone always hating on McMaster? I am so grateful that I even got a chance to interview with them. They are definitely a little avant-garde (that's a nice way to put it!)


McMaster is my first medical school interview ever and I enjoyed their admissions video. Then again, others may argue that I don't know any better... sometimes ignorance is bliss!


I can understand and appreciate Rext's comments regarding one of the presenters (I interviewed the same day). Perhaps I kind of ignored it because I was so happy to just be there and because I've seen a lot worse at bigger-town schools. I feel like McMaster is famous for the McMaster personality - friendly, thoughtful, compassionate and approachable (among other things).


I don't think anybody is hating on McMaster. It's an amazing school, and I'm sure most of us would be glad/grateful/proud/(insert positive word here) to go there. I think that it's just a bit off putting and makes a bad impression when one of the people who is supposed to be representing the school and it's students is incredibly condescending. I remember hearing whispers from the students around me about how arrogant and rude he was being, so it certainly made an impression on quite a few people.

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I had my interview on the last Saturday and found that all the students I interacted with to be very kind and helpful. I also thought that the admissions video was well thought out and pretty funny. Some of the jokes were beyond my understanding, but overall the video definitely wasn't terrible as the OP suggests. Having seen the level of quality in the Western video, I can understand some of the gripes, but IMO Mac's video looks like it took quite a bit of time and effort to make and kudos to the student's for producing it.


I don't think any of the videos have swayed my decision in any way as to which school to attend should I get multiple acceptances. There are way too many other important factors to consider. In addition, should the fact that one school had better A/V supplies or students with lots of experience in movie production reflect on the quality of education or the student experience... I don't think so. They movies were a fun distraction and I think they all have their merits :D

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I had my interview on the last Saturday and found that all the students I interacted with to be very kind and helpful. I also thought that the admissions video was well thought out and pretty funny. Some of the jokes were beyond my understanding, but overall the video definitely wasn't terrible as the OP suggests. Having seen the level of quality in the Western video, I can understand some of the gripes, but IMO Mac's video looks like it took quite a bit of time and effort to make and kudos to the student's for producing it.


I don't think any of the videos have swayed my decision in any way as to which school to attend should I get multiple acceptances. There are way too many other important factors to consider. In addition, should the fact that one school had better A/V supplies or students with lots of experience in movie production reflect on the quality of education or the student experience... I don't think so. They movies were a fun distraction and I think they all have their merits :D


While the videos shouldn't sway you one way or another, I do believe that they help determine that elusive "feel of a school" that people keep talking about. In them, we see how the students in the current class get along, get a bit of an idea for what they're like (even though they're acting), and in general get a bit of a feel for what the student experience at that particular school may be like. Perhaps a worse video indicates student apathy? Who knows. I do know though that while I will certainly not be basing my decision on the video, it does in a way influence my (and I believe most students') perception of the vibe of the school.

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While the videos shouldn't sway you one way or another, I do believe that they help determine that elusive "feel of a school" that people keep talking about. In them, we see how the students in the current class get along, get a bit of an idea for what they're like (even though they're acting), and in general get a bit of a feel for what the student experience at that particular school may be like. Perhaps a worse video indicates student apathy? Who knows. I do know though that while I will certainly not be basing my decision on the video, it does in a way influence my (and I believe most students') perception of the vibe of the school.


I think that might, shockingly, be the point of the videos. It's not as if the class is making them solely for our brief entertainment - I think it is absolutely part of the recruitment strategy in giving a taste of the vibe of the institution.

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LMFAO. so you spend all your time watching interview videos?? you are the coolest guy I know....seriously very cool, super cool actually. It is a well known fact that the quality of the admissions video is the best indication of residency match rates.....you will make a fantastic doc with your superb reasoning skills. #TROLL


I have to say sorry but this was by the far one of the WORST interview videos that I have seen in a long timee.. sorry Mac, for being all stuck up in being "innovative" this move sucked!



You guys can decide for yourself - but looking at how impressive Queens & Western were.. Mac really can't even start to compete

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LMFAO. so you spend all your time watching interview videos?? you are the coolest guy I know....seriously very cool, super cool actually. It is a well known fact that the quality of the admissions video is the best indication of residency match rates.....you will make a fantastic doc with your superb reasoning skills. #TROLL

nice. casper vs queensmedic. maybe the latter will pull out "ne" as reinforcements later

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LMFAO. so you spend all your time watching interview videos?? you are the coolest guy I know....seriously very cool, super cool actually. It is a well known fact that the quality of the admissions video is the best indication of residency match rates.....you will make a fantastic doc with your superb reasoning skills. #TROLL



First off, not a troll here - I actually made this account unlike you!

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The immaturity of this thread is seriously appalling.


"Terrible Video vs. Awesome Video" is neither here nor there. Bottom line, the 1T4 and 1T5 classes at Mac and other schools respectively put time and effort into making all the admissions videos out there and I think they all deserve a kudos for going out of their way to do so.


That said, to each his own. Bicker away as you please :D

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yes and that was obviously directly related to the poor quality of the admissions video....didn't have anything to do with students going into competitive specialties like plastics or anaesthesia; nope definitely not. it's quite silly of me to even mention such a thing. And it was more like 12 not 25. But with you're fantastic logic, you could probably reason that 12 is close enough to 25.

lol love the health sci animosity. But then again I guess we all have to belittle someone else to make ourselves feel better. Talk to a student from UofT and they'll have just as little respect for your program as you have for mac health sci #RejectedFromHealthSci


First off, not a troll here - I actually made this account unlike you!


Secondly - if you really want to mention RESIDENCY MATCH RATES then lets use McMaster as an example - wasn't it around 25+ UNMATCHED! Yup, McMaster is definitely on the right path.


Your probably some annoying Health Sci kid who probably doesn't have any exams right now and just sitting on PM101. YOU are the coolest person I know, seriously.

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