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3rd time writing, need help/advice with a study schedule.


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given how this forum has decided to roll-back 48 hours. i thought i would re-post my thread, which seems to have vanished completely.


i have previously obtained a 27R( 10, 7,10) and 29Q(10, 8, 11). however this was several years ago. i took the TPR prep course, and only used their material to study for the sciences. I do have their in-class notes, to which i hope can save me the time in reading these giant sized books. in terms of practice material for the sciences, what would be suggested, EK1001 series?


in the past i've studied a chapter at a time for each science component and attacked the problems for each chapter according to TPR hyperlearning study guides and using their prep materials. should i go about this differently, simply look through the entire physics component and then go through practice questions? i don't think the science stuff will be very difficult to learn, my understanding is that the test isn't an actual memory test, so maybe how i've gone about it in the past i could change? i haven't scored very high in either science section, but generally i have a strong science background from undergrad, and i've always excelled in it. of course the situations aren't exactly comparable...


my main goal for this re-write is to bump that VR score towards a 10+. regardless i do hope to score at least a 32. i hope this is manageable, as i have scheduled to re-write july 6. my plan was to write early so if i do improve this can help me in my US MD school applications. given another year, and another McGill rejection i do need to widen my application base, so getting that dread 10 in VR will help in doing just that for schools here. so, writing in july allows me another opportunity to re-write in august, should i need to give verbal another shot. however, re-writing 4 times, i'm not sure if this will be a good idea.


anyways, really any help on how to best go about this from individuals in similar situations would certainly be appreciated.


thanks in advance.

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If I'm not mistaken, you're already have taken the initiative of enrolling in Jack's sessions? Let us know how it turns out. Clearly your verbal approach is not fine tuned or simply wrong. The first time I did a verbal, I scored a 7/8, it requires a lot of practice. If I were to reflect... I spent 1 month studying PS, 1 month on BS, and 1 month on VR (plus 2 more months to follow as of now). A lot of time and practice is required on VR and I think you can appreciate the validity of this statement. Just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll reach the target. I've seen students here write the damn thing 5 times and finally reaching 11. Good luck.

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If I'm not mistaken, you're already have taken the initiative of enrolling in Jack's sessions? Let us know how it turns out. Clearly your verbal approach is not fine tuned or simply wrong. The first time I did a verbal, I scored a 7/8, it requires a lot of practice. If I were to reflect... I spent 1 month studying PS, 1 month on BS, and 1 month on VR (plus 2 more months to follow as of now). A lot of time and practice is required on VR and I think you can appreciate the validity of this statement. Just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll reach the target. I've seen students here write the damn thing 5 times and finally reaching 11. Good luck.


thanks for you reply. verbal has been an obvious struggle of mine. when i re-wrote for the second time, i must say i tried to study mostly for verbal, however at the end of the day for whatever reason, i still did not drastically improve.


i took advantage of a free trial Jack was offering in april. at the time i was very much saturated with exams, and could not actually study for VR. i've only finished my second session with Jack today. so i'm still waiting to see how this improves. Clearly, whatever i have done has not been good enough. hence, why i've felt the need to obtain guidance from Jack.

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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks for you reply. verbal has been an obvious struggle of mine. when i re-wrote for the second time, i must say i tried to study mostly for verbal, however at the end of the day for whatever reason, i still did not drastically improve.


i took advantage of a free trial Jack was offering in april. at the time i was very much saturated with exams, and could not actually study for VR. i've only finished my second session with Jack today. so i'm still waiting to see how this improves. Clearly, whatever i have done has not been good enough. hence, why i've felt the need to obtain guidance from Jack.


I'm struggling with verbal as well. What is your strategy?

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