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UBC vs UofA

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I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice, I was accepted to both UBC (VFMP) and UofA. I am OOP for both so I really don't know much about them. I've been getting different advice regarding which school I should go to.


Personally I am leaning more towards UBC cause of the city.


I don't really know any major differences between the 2 curricula beside the fact that UBC has a much larger class. Can anyone comment? Is there anything that defines one school over the other?

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UBC - Mild weather (lotsa clouds and rain in the winter, though; overcast from October to May), proximity to the beach, many asian hotties, hippies, beach creatures (Wreck Beach bums, many off their meds), odourous homeless people (often hang out at the Student Union Building), nudists, snobs, very, very poor road signage, high cost of living (gas is currently $1.48/L - $1.51/L), no price on most store items (suprise me at the till), no free parking anywhere on campus, rich kids, frat kids, awful drivers, Starbucks on every street corner, frizzy hair (due to humidity), vibrant multicultural city, kinda, "Lotus Land" (we live in the best place on earth, although we never went outside of the Lower Mainland) mentality, Birkinstocks, Polar Fleece, goretex, lots of affordable weed, umbrellas, pink eyes, munchies, giggles, new Life Sciences building, horrible mass transit system, year-round bicyling and motorcycling, in-line skating, cross-border shopping, Whistler.


Albeta - Snow, cold weather, jump-starts, no-starts, tongue sticking on everything, scraping car windows, white-out conditions, frosbite, runny noses, thick winter clothing, snow banks, shovelling, nice people, abominable snowmen, winter-driving conditions (Vancouverites shouldn't attempt driving if there is more than one snowflake on the road), black ice, white people, yellow snow, pickup trucks, great days to stay in and study (unless you have a snowmobile, snowshoes, winter-blindness goggles, a St-Bernard, a pack of Huskies and a sled, hot seats, hot shots, hot chocolate, hot coffee, Sherpas, and a flare gun), cowboy boots and cowboy hats (less than Calgary, though), sunshine in the winter, Tim Horton's, Santa, tire chains, studded winter tires, ice skating, skiing.


As far as learning, it's all the same thing.

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